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january shot gun season on L.I.


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how did everyones shotgun season go. i spent almost a 1000 $ to gun hunt private land this shotgun season. what a mistake that was.pheasant run sportsman club.never seen a deer all season !!!!! i seen more guys hunting from quads than deer out there. i could go on and on. anyone else from the club have the same results ?  i spoke with friends who hunted state and D.E.C. land and had much better luck. amazing right. now i understand the frustration the other member of this forum had with that club. hunters do your homework before plunking down that kind of money and more to join that club. and making the same mistake i did.

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but you paid a grand to hunt shot gun season!!!??? holy sh*T! i never did the shot gun season at the club this year but from a few member i was told they hunt from quads, thats really true???

this was the first year i didnt get to go hunt the gun season out on LI, i hunted hard with the bow this year tho. atleast i know where i will be hunting this year.

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Maby it is hunted out,there were plenty of nice deer taken there when I belonged to the club or more poaching going on around it.

im sure there is little to NO poaching going on around that property to reak havoc on a deer heard in over 2000 acres....

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I gun hunted the club , the mattituck property, did not see any quads there. As far as deer go, my hunting partner seen 2 small 4 pts and, a decent 6ptr, he decided to hold off waiting for something bigger,but never came. I did not see any bucks, only does, and truthfully unless was a 140 class deer or better I would not shoot , not a big fan of venison, and already have few mounts, so would have to be bigger than what I have for me to shoot especially with shotgun.

Really hate to hear the horror stories on the club, as the properties seem to hold deer . I did see alot of tracks in the snow, just not when I was there.

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The stories are true. You hunted Mathews in Mattituck not many quads used to hunt what about 7 acres in the front and 5 acres in the back of hardwoods both accessible from the road. Most people that hunt that piece regularly trespass on the neighboring properties, which Bob claims is alright untill the Police and DEC show up . If you want an education stop and speak with the locals they'll tell you exactly what they think of the club and its members.

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just because deer are on neighboring property which you claim is posted DOES NOT give club members the right to stomp around on private posted property NOT belonging to the club. would you agree with this? its pretty much what you stated...

BTW long island is in no way limited in places to hunt. as a deer hunter you should know this since you would not shoot under a 140 class buck... private property of that size is hard to come by, granted. But what good is 1800 acres that does not produce? Do you think you bird or rabbit hunters do any property of deer hunting any good? running around with barking dogs lol, yeah that makes for great deer hunting...

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geno,never said I would go on any posted property not belonging to the club,nor do I think anybody should .

the comment on us bird hunters and rabbit hunters is kind of rough dont you think. I nevr hunted any of the gun club props knowing there is a deer hunter going there out of respect. I pay my dues just like all members and basically have to waite until all deer hunting is over to hunt.

you were a member did u see me and my dogs on any occasion?

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the property behind the clubhouse is a joke. guys deer hunt it for nothing that didnt belong to the club. yet we have to pay. bob leases out the property to a motocross club during the summer. im talking prime area too by the big field all torn up. give me a break here.this  is all just behind the clubhouse !  one of the upstate properties he never even paid the lease amount this year. thats a fact. and during the gun season i complained to him about guys hunting from quads. he says to me. after the first week " THEY CAN DO WHAT THEY WANT. i was shocked at the answer. i should have listened !   

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geno,never said I would go on any posted property not belonging to the club,nor do I think anybody should .

the comment on us bird hunters and rabbit hunters is kind of rough dont you think. I nevr hunted any of the gun club props knowing there is a deer hunter going there out of respect. I pay my dues just like all members and basically have to waite until all deer hunting is over to hunt.

you were a member did u see me and my dogs on any occasion?

I was not singling you out personally.... i do not know you from a hole in the wall, so i did not mean anything negative to you personally. Your ethics i do not know of and maybe you didnt march through deer hunting areas, but ive heard horror stories of guys in their stands and having bird hunters walking though and that kind of activity impacts a deer herd as well as quads ripping through and around the property all summer long. All these things add to how your deer season will be come Oct 1st. like i said i am not hear talking negative about PR, on the record. If guys want to go and find out for themselves how PR is, let them...

i will tell you one thing tho, i got a phone call from Bob personally in December regarding the last thread started about PR and he tried to rip me apart via phone call due to either you or Mario telling him about what i wrote in that thread. And you know what its ok, but if it happens again, I will not be so calm and respectful on the phone this time. If anyone tries to even call my phone again and try cursing me out and telling me to come pick my s*it up because im done hunting there, I will fly off the handle. literally... I am not putting up with that BS anymore.

If a club owner wanted to make good on the situation i was delt then he should have and it would have been find. Throw me the next season, if thats what it takes. But you can tell him this since it was either you or Mario. DO NOT CALL MY PHONE. If i get one phone call dealing with any BS. i will bring that place down with 1 thread... i am over it and i am in no way bothered by my loss of a season. the only thing i can do is better myself for this season and work double hard to full fill my hunting needs.

you sound like you are totally oblivious as to what goes on there but yet you defend it?!

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gino relax my friend I havent spoke to bob about anything but when I could hunt shotgun in mattituck,and have not myslef rabbit hunted at the club since mid nov.  I defend nobody, and ripping you on tel is not really the right thing to do.

I myself may not rejoin next season, but that is my problem. all I have told anybody who asked me about club is to go there and make their own decisions, do not consider that defending it.

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From these PR postings, I'd suggest Don King emcee the annual meeting.. One problem with clubs like this, is people drop alot of cash and some feel that they 'are getting theirs' one way or another for it.. Toss in the 'Me-firsts' and 'Antler-Mania', some stupidity, it can get pretty ugly.. Prime example of why many big hunting camps are things of the past..

I'm not a member, so this will be a generalization/suggestion off whats been posted by several one here..

Any violations of game laws should be reported when safe to do so.. As for the 'leasing' of lands during the offseason, check into the clubs bylaws about this, and what the membership entitles you to. If it states the club lands are for 'member use only', it may be a breach of the membership agreement on the clubs end, and the board should be questioned.. or your lawyer contacted..

As for small gamers disrupting deer, I had an article somewhere that a  study was conducted to check into this. Deer came back into the area  within 1-2 hours of the dogs/small gamers passing though.. Deer choose  where to live for a good reason, and getting bumped by a dog/hunter inst  a reason for permanent relocation.. Not the end of the world, but if  your only hunting the morning sit, it would be a problem..


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  • 5 months later...

Hello All,

I belong to the club with 4 of my friends for the last 3 years. The club is AWESOME!!! Totally worth the money. We hunt everything. Seen plenty of does both LI and Upstate, couple of small 6 pointers, but decided that it wasn't what we are looking for. Seen more turkeys than in the supermarket on Thanksgiving!!! Don't get me started on geese and rabbits…… The secret to the membership is PLANNING! You have to plan your hunting trips WAY in advance. Call the club, reserve the date and you'll have a successful hunt. If anyone one wants to talk to me directly feel free to email me. Be safe, Andrew

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  Hello again,

You know, I've been reading all the posts and have some additional thoughts. About the price - it's more than fair. For those who hunt state lands, of course it's expensive! But for those who hunt private lands or with the outfitters - it's more than fair!!! I've hunted NY, ME, NJ, etc. and just one 3 day trip will cost you $1,200.00!!! And you are not guaranteed to see anything!!!!!!!!!! About the personal attacks - just use common sense. Like in any retail business, there will always be upset, unsatisfied customers. The bottom line is - if there is 100 members who keep renewing their memberships there is a reason why they do it. And believe or not we are not all Bob's personal friends and/or family and we don't all live on LI. We, for example, live on SI and take a 2.5 hour trip to hunt at the club. Oh, and one more thing. Bob is a great guy, who goes out of his way to accommodate you as much as he possibly can!!! But remember, there are 100 members. So plan ahead and you'll have a blast! As for the "unhappy" ones, good luck to you and be safe. Comment as you see fit. Andrew

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look man ENOUGh with the Pheasant Run crap... its clear you are getting some kick back or some sort of accommodation from Bob by ranting and raving about the club. Save it, no one wants to hear it any more. this topic is beat to death among other things especially mentionings about the club...

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not to mention these posts are from months ago... i think anyone in there right mind would rather pay 1200 to go hunt a nice operation and have a far better chance at a shooter deer then to deal with BS...

let it go...

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