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308 win ammo

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For sale: selling all together, shipping via UPS lower 48 only ...if your outside of NY otherwise. I am just a bit south of Albany

Price for every thing is 115 $

Here is what I have:

1 box Federal Premium 180GR Nosler Partions

2 Boxes Federal Premium 165 Trophy Bonded Bear Claws

2 Boxes Remington 150 grain core lok. The boxes where a bit beat up so I put them in plastic box, they will remain in there for shipping.

Price 115$

Thanks in advance

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  On 7/24/2016 at 3:09 AM, chefhunter86 said:
Your price isn't worth the hassle save 20 bucks if that from prices at Dicks or gander

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Firstly if you have no interest in purchasing a product for whatever reason you should keep you comments to yourself. I know class isn't incumbent on everyone however a sense of decorum goes a long way.

Secondly you have no idea what the hell your talking about and you might want to do a little research before you post and make yourself look like a fool.

The federal 180 grain partitions retail for almost 50 alone. That's if you can even find them in stock anywhere.

There three boxes of federal will retail for close to 140-150

The two boxes of Remington will cost you 30 ish.

So your looking about 160-170 worth of ammo for 100.



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  On 7/24/2016 at 6:02 PM, jjb4900 said:

yes, I did some research and it's a pretty good deal.....I just have no need for it right now otherwise I would be interested, figured I'd chime in to say it's not a bad deal at all.


I'll swear for the bullets....

For those unfamiliar with the Trophy Bonded, they are upgrades to Jack Carters Bear Claws and would be a great choice if looking to upgrade for Moose/big Black Bear,Elk with their favorite deer rifle.

I have taken many African plains game with them; both driven blisteringly fast in a 300RUM and in a more moderate 30-06, ranges from 60-300+ yds.

Don't recover many, mostly from frontal shots lodged in the rear hams/Texas heart shot or tough game....these 2 broadside from what I consider to be pound for pound the toughest antelope, Gemsbok, just under the offside skin; Text book performance. Note the stamped "T" on the base, original Bear Claws don't have that and denotes the modern Speer version.


Good deal with the Partitions and Corelocks thrown in.



Edited by Dinsdale
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  On 7/24/2016 at 9:13 PM, Dinsdale said:
I'll swear for the bullets....

For those unfamiliar with the Trophy Bonded, they are upgrades to Jack Carters Bear Claws and would be a great choice if looking to upgrade for Moose/big Black Bear,Elk with their favorite deer rifle.

I have taken many African plains game with them; both driven blisteringly fast in a 300RUM and in a more moderate 30-06, ranges from 60-300+ yds.

Don't recover many, mostly from frontal shots lodged in the rear hams/Texas heart shot or tough game....these 2 broadside from what I consider to be pound for pound the toughest antelope, Gemsbok, just under the offside skin; Text book performance. Note the stamped "T" on the base, original Bear Claws don't have that and denotes the modern Speer version.


Good deal with the Partitions and Corelocks thrown in.



Thank you friend.
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