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Hunting the Catskills area


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Hello fellow hunters my name is john, I am a lurker here for sometime. Being a long time white tail hunter in upstate NY has been great but recently I have been wanting to hunt bear..

Everything I read suggest the Catskills would be my best bet, but I don't know the area or if I can just hunt any parks / state land with out spacial permission. If anyone could please point me in the right direction that would be great.

i would like something with a creek or water so I can kayak up and get away from other hunters if possible. I would be doing stalk and hunt with a friend. Any advice would be great, it's a long ride Down so I only could make one trip this year. Thank you 


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Thanks everyone for the replies. After looking at Dec harvest reports and Google maps I was thinking of a place called sundown. Looks like it's east of little pond . After your reply jjb4900 I will be  calling little pond campground this week.

Should be a good time just to get in the woods with a firearm and the possibility of seeing big game. Goose opened up here the other day and its been a bust so far. 

Yes just a day trip, Google maps is showing 4 hours down. We will leave around midnight and try to eat on the way. 



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Big Pond is just down the road from Little Pond, you can paddle across the lake if you want, but it's not that big.........my cousin took a nice bear by Big Pond a few years back, also Look at Alder Lake, that's right in that same area and gives you a chance to use the Kayak..but again not a super big body of water.

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