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A great article on deer hunting


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This is an excellent article on a subject I think most of are guilty of. I often find myself overthinking a bucks thoughts. I can't count how many times I have messed up a tracking hunt by thinking the buck will do this when really he just wanted to lay down and rest. http://www.bigwoodsbucks.com/Gallery/Articles/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/179/A-Trip-with-the-Old-Grizzled-Hunter

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Great read!  I grew up hunting with my father in the Adirondack mountains, hunted the mountains 16 years. Never hunted southern zone (flat land) deer until I purchased my land 11 years ago, which is also when I started bowhunting. 

The article reminds me of my father scolding me to slow down. Telling me when I "thought" I was stalking slow  enough, slow down more! Lol. I enjoy bowhunting and treestand hunting mature old wise whitetails in the southern zone, but I must admit, there is nothing (IMO) more rewarding than getting on the ground, in the Adirondack mountains and trackingan/stalking an old Adirondack bruiser. One on one. Brings it to a whole new level. Those mature old bucks are an entirely different kind of animal. I still enjoy going north and getting a change pace, getting out of the treestand and get back on the ground. (I stand hunt only on my farm in southern zone). It's just not the same since my father passed, but it's good to keep your tracking and stalking abilities keen. 

Thanks for sharing, brought back a lot of memories. 

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I love stillhunting as well and got my first deer with the bow that way. I admit luck played a huge part,but still.

I also find myself getting impatient sometimes and rushing to the next rise or something,and that is exactly when I bump deer. It is not easy to be really slow,seems like I always want to end up somewhere,but really the way there is what counts. Got real close to a 6 point,only a 1.5 year old,this season,but I haven't managed to sneak up on a big one yet. Only my fifth season,so there is time...

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