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Any Savage ML10II shooters out there?


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  • 4 months later...

I've just started to test loads in the 35 to 45 grains of IMR SR 4759 range using Hornady 250 grain SST bullets. I'm surprised at the larger loads mentioned in this thread as the manual  (conservatively) suggests up to 45 grain.

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  • 5 weeks later...

just switched up from Rocks load

67.5gr rl7 black cr barnes 300 original cci primer - rock n roll

had an 8" at 330 with that load he was using off a plastic cleaning rest a few years back- have practiced and killed everywhere from 6 yds to 350. best gun out there

stay away from 250 ssts- paper wonders deer blunders

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Just a note

Even though I dont own one I have read extensively about the Savages.

the whole smokeless concept and patent design was bought by Savage from a North Carolina gunsmith named Henry Ball. He designed his rifle around the 300 grain Hornady XTP. MMP sabots and 5744 powder. And many owners say its a good place to start.

Some good places to look for strting load data

Modern Muzzleloading    http://www.modernmuzzleloader.com/phpBB/

also Doug's message board  --- http://dougsmessageboards.proboards.com/index.cgi

and the Savage forum-----http://www.savageshooters.com/SavageForum

there is alot of experienced Smokeless muzzleloaders there

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