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Junkyard buck tries to back down 8 pt.


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Caught this interesting holdover bachelor group hierarchy sequence on my cams today. In this short clip, a junkyard buck with a roman nose tries to back down an older 8 pt. buck with a scared muzzle and torn ears. Just when it appears as if the 8 pt. has decided to show his dominance ...both bucks quickly leave the high ground as the wide 6 pt. shows up.

Scrub buck tries to back down 8 pt. 480 p .mov

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11 hours ago, the blur said:

Nice quality.   Which Browning is it?    My cams are good in day light, awful at night time.

It is the 2015 Strike Force. I agree, the vid mode is not that great at night. That's why I don't use vid mode when I make the vids. Huh? I use the fastest 8 shot still mode. Then I put them together into a vid with three seconds a frame with software. That's why it is a little choppy...but the quality is very good to me and it makes editing a breeze. 

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Bucks don't yard here as I understand the definition of the word. Yarding to me is a behavior that occurs in the Adirondacks, Michigan, Canada...where the snows are deep and the winters long. Deer of both sexes create a yard in a traditional area like a cedar swamp. Here in Western NY on the Pa. border the bucks form their bachelor groups and will move from winter food source to winter food source. Like in a an oak flat with acorns...or when that runs out, to a cut cornfield a mile away, and then to a thick buck-thorn hillside full of purple berries etc. The does group up in loose matriarchal units with fawns of the year, but from what I've seen most don't seem to change their home ranges much. Yearling bucks hang around the does too and appear to have not "earned their stripes" so to speak and are excluded from the bachelor units. That's the way it seems to be around here. 

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