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So Called "Protesters" Are Clueless

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I heard this on the news this morning. I honestly could help but laugh, but's it's not funny! These so called "protesters" are clueless! It's just about violence and chaos! I waitd to see if anyone else posted about this, seems no one has. Except myself.

The dumb asses that set fire to the limo on Inauguration defeated their own purpose and flat out proved they aren't actually protesting, just acting out violent crimes and racist acts. That limo these "Protest For The Cause" idiots set fire too belonged to a Muslim Immigrant. Way to go morons! You literally just proved you are just violent thugs that apparently wouldn't know racism from a hill of beans!

This one is all over the place as far as media. But, one thing that is a fact, is these radicals acting out are just that, radicals.


Edited by ....rob
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They are Rent-A-Protester types that have no real allegiance to any ideals. For them it is an invitation to a free-for-all (literally). But, what they do in excellent fashion is to denigrate the causes of liberalism. They are closing the lid on their own coffin. And the excellent performance of Trump is driving the nails into that coffin. Let these wandering shreds of human debris do what they do best. Let them show the world what the left has been reduced to.

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These are people who live in their own little world,dont work, live in parents basement and probably on some sort of govt assistance.All relates back to them being told something that they receive now or think they are entitled to will be  taken away.The libtards underwear can't be tied or twisted too tight for me.:taunt:

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