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petersons honorable mention of qdm

Pat Rockets

what do you think of the statement "hunt to feed a family"  

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  1. 1. what do you think of the statement "hunt to feed a family"

    • totally agree
    • not buyin into it
    • been there done that..i understand

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You really don't get me at all Rocket ..you need to read my posts better. You just don't like my opinions I guess... but not everyone is going to... I never make excuses for the way I hunt, and frankly I really don't care how anyone else hunts.

I never complain or bitch about my hunting.. I never complain about seeing deer.. I never complain about seeing bucks.. I don't complain about the weather.. I don't complain about other hunters and it doesn't bother me to go without a buck... its not a contest for me... I just hunt.. thats what I do and thats what i enjoy... I just choose to hunt mature bucks... pretty simple... If that makes me a trophy hunter and an egotist then I guess I'm a trophy hunter with an ego... but still having a ball doing it.

And I'm not sure what reputation you're talking about.. I haven't killed all that many bucks to make a reputation with...

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I read that article and found it to be a turd from a whiner. Any man who writes about his experiences with outfitters and then slams qdm.....beyond hypocrite....thats ignorant.

And if you are in the woods trying to feed your family, or moreso on here trying to defend it....your issue lies with time management and basic economics (as choices) not with being oppressed.

It is your legal right to shoot what you want (though the state suggests passing yearlings and practicing qdm) but save the BS excuses.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any reason why my post in this thread disappeared? You know...the one about how it is cool to bash QDM but support ones' own high fence "hunting" interests....... that guy is an idiot based on hipocracy alone.

My guess is 25-50% of QDMA members are still thinking TBM, and those who dont belong have much less of a clue, or care beyond their muzzle blast

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hunting to feed your family is BS...just because you eat venison doesn't  mean you need to hunt to feed your family... if my family was in that  dire a need for meat I would hunt year 'round without a license and fill  the freezers. But we're talking about hunting season here, not feed the  family season.

The meat hunter excuse is lame IMO.. more an excuse  for not having the restraint to pass on a small buck because the hunter  is afraid he won't be able to tell his buddies that he got a buck that  year... I have gone without a buck many times, but have yet to not put  meat in the freezer...

You are so far off base on this ...I do hunt to feed our family...in fact I taught our kids to do the same....We are a one income family ...#one reason....it was costing us too much for me to work out side the home than what I was making...He pays the bills I feed us....I have a 180 x80 foot garden...maintain fruit and nut trees... berries and I start all my own plants....maintain the property and butcher all I kill...He has a inherited serious problem with cholesterol  and deer meat is the only red meat he eats....I raised two kids in 4-H and they were on all kinds of sports....so yes there are ppl out there that hunt to feed the family...and we are surrounded by home schooling.... fairly self sufficient ppl ...that do the same

That doesn't mean that I'm not picky about what I shoot...2 doe last year...but the size that I choose is not in the rack...but in the bulk...because I learned a long time ago....It takes as many steps and is as big a pain to butcher a small deer as it is a big deer....big deer cut down on the # of times I have to do it..

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I hear ya grow alot..its a situational thing..its only accepted by some that you feed a fam only if your starving..by no means am i starving..because we have eaten well over the yrs..

I have most of my deer ground..i like makin meatloafs..tacos..and a kickass chile..whats left i make jerky outta and hang it in my oven ..my kid tried  it when he was 4 and got the look in his eye..hes a carnivore for sure..

People hunt for different reasons

Id like to hear why else they kill..

Not that any answer is wrong..but if yer in the wood for peace and tranquility..how does takin a deer out fit that persona?

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hunting to feed your family is BS...just because you eat venison doesn't  mean you need to hunt to feed your family... if my family was in that  dire a need for meat I would hunt year 'round without a license and fill  the freezers. But we're talking about hunting season here, not feed the  family season.

The meat hunter excuse is lame IMO.. more an excuse  for not having the restraint to pass on a small buck because the hunter  is afraid he won't be able to tell his buddies that he got a buck that  year... I have gone without a buck many times, but have yet to not put  meat in the freezer...

You are so far off base on this ...I do hunt to feed our family...in fact I taught our kids to do the same....We are a one income family ...#one reason....it was costing us too much for me to work out side the home than what I was making...He pays the bills I feed us....I have a 180 x80 foot garden...maintain fruit and nut trees... berries and I start all my own plants....maintain the property and butcher all I kill...He has a inherited serious problem with cholesterol  and deer meat is the only red meat he eats....I raised two kids in 4-H and they were on all kinds of sports....so yes there are ppl out there that hunt to feed the family...and we are surrounded by home schooling.... fairly self sufficient ppl ...that do the same

That doesn't mean that I'm not picky about what I shoot...2 doe last year...but the size that I choose is not in the rack...but in the bulk...because I learned a long time ago....It takes as many steps and is as big a pain to butcher a small deer as it is a big deer....big deer cut down on the # of times I have to do it..

When I made that statement it was in reference to Rocket saying that the whole killing big bucks was BS and that he hunted to feed his family not to because he cared about shooting a big buck..(yet he video taped his last buck kill and seemed quite excited that it was the "high eight")... but I still stand by my statement that you don't hunt tho feed your family.. you may feed them what you hunt... but you don't hunt to feed them..i also feed my family with what I hunt... but i don't need to hunt to feed the family.. the meat hunting thing is just a lame excuse for why  hunters don't pass up younger bucks... the better excuse would be that most hunters just can't help but shoot the first buck they see so they don't have to tell their buddies that they didn't get a buck that year.. at least thats honest

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It is arrogant at the least to determine what others are doing based on what you do..or how you've set up what you do in your own mind....I ..with the exception of this year...spend very little money hunting .....yes I plot but I only started doing that because the land needed to be worked ...flattened ...de-rocked and improved...so why not make it useful while I'm improving it...I don't have a single mount and don't waste a single thing on a deer....the hides are sold ...the scraps supplement the dogs winter feeding...I do all butchering and processing...and I don't know where you shop but meat is damn expensive...Try buying Organic meat in a store ...no antibiotics and hormones and what else the pump into them...The money I save not having to buy meat  and fish...because I fish as well in our house helps pay for the other little things one needs like Ohhh heat ..electric and when we put our kids through collage ..books...meal tickets...rent

I'm say don't make a wide sweeping statement that super imposes your thoughts and life style over others as if it were fact. 

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It is arrogant at the least to determine what others are doing based on what you do..or how you've set up what you do in your own mind....I ..with the exception of this year...spend very little money hunting .....yes I plot but I only started doing that because the land needed to be worked ...flattened ...de-rocked and improved...so why not make it useful while I'm improving it...I don't have a single mount and don't waste a single thing on a deer....the hides are sold ...the scraps supplement the dogs winter feeding...I do all butchering and processing...and I don't know where you shop but meat is damn expensive...Try buying Organic meat in a store ...no antibiotics and hormones and what else the pump into them...The money I save not having to buy meat  and fish...because I fish as well in our house helps pay for the other little things one needs like Ohhh heat ..electric and when we put our kids through collage ..books...meal tickets...rent

I'm say don't make a wide sweeping statement that super imposes your thoughts and life style over others as if it were fact.

You need to remember that posts here are opinions that people have... nobody can impose their thought on you unless you let them... nobody is jamming thoughts into your head and erasing yours...

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