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This World Is Insane!

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I can't even put into words how I feel about the state of the USA, or the entire world. If I was an overly religious man, I would say some things in the Book Of Revelations are coming to pass. But, I am not. So, I will just say the whole world has gone full on bat $hit crazy. 


What drives human beings to commit these acts? What kind of human being wakes up in the morning planning to carry out these atrocities? What goes through their head? What kind of human being would plan this type of $hit? 



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Sadly look how bad it's gotten with whack jobs across the world in the last 10-20 years. Can't imagine how much worse it'll be by the time my daughter is older and perhaps contemplates bringing her own kids into the world. It's terrifying to think what's down the road.

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I don't think the world has changed too much. People have been slaughtering each other for thousands of years. In even bigger numbers than this also. The difference is with today's media we know all about everything within hours of it happening. If anything, today is much less bloody than a couple thousand or even a couple hundred years ago. So I guess you could say that we are on the upside of things...

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I have to agree the world is a cruel place and there will always be people killing one another. I hope in years to come they will figure out a way to better prevent these mass casualty events. Like Adk mentioned I think it has more to do with the media and being able to know what happens in a short time after the event. I think we globally have less deaths than previous.

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