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Want To Buy Dillon 650

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I was in the same boat a few years ago looking for something better for large batches of ammo. I have three single stage presses and would put a die in each one shaving off a little time but the answer putting up a bunch of ammo is a turret press. Before you buy take a look at the Lee Classic Turret press and newer auto drum powder measure. I know a lot of folks look down their noses at Lee stuff because of the the use of a lot of plastic in it's construction. That being said the bottom line is the ammo that one can produce with Lee equipment, it is the equal of anything being made and reliability is the least of your worries.

I watched several videos produce by Fortunecookie45LC demonstrating Lee equipment and had some correspondence with him. This guy is a straight shooter and knows his stuff and when I got done watching his presentations with the Lee equipment I was sold. I bought the press along with the auto priming setup and drum powder measure and I am not one bit sorry I went with Lee, and a big plus I saved some serious cash. This stuff works great and the ammo produced is as good as anything produced by the high end guys.

Again do not discount the Lee reloading equipment, watch the video below and see for yourself.



Edited by airedale
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