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This Is Actually News, But I am Posting It Here

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Funny how so many people worry about what's going on thousands of miles away, and don't seem to notice what's going on in their own back yard.

Again, I say, clues are free at Walmart!




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Why do you believe nobody notices this stuff?  Gangs with guns shooting at each other, hitting innocent victims, and responsible gun owners are made to pay the price for it.  A cop killed one of the gang members that was just let out of prison on parole.  He was in on a manslaughter charge.  What people fail to notice, or fail to protest, is failed leftist policies like that, which put all of our lives in danger.  But the leftist NJ governor will address this by calling for more gun laws that only affect responsible gun owning citizens in NJ, who own guns so they can defend themselves against the gang thugs that we are talking about here.  Meanwhile nothing will be done to the gangs that are the real problem because they belong to a protected class.  The fact elected hacks and the media want to label this a mass shooting, rather than gang violence, just proves they believe they can disarm everyone and all of this will stop.  Welcome to the fantasy world of unicorns, rainbows and totalitarian tyranny.  

There are plenty of people who are worried about this stuff, but when they try to address it, they're labeled racists, extremists, terrorists and deplorable.  Pass a law saying gangs are terrorist organizations and their members can be arrested or shot on sight and this stuff will stop.  None of these cretins will even be productive, taxpaying members of society.  They will only wind up costing taxpayers millions, or maybe their lives, but hey, they also have a spark of divinity, right?

Edited by Rattler
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On 6/19/2018 at 1:33 AM, Rattler said:

Why do you believe nobody notices this stuff?  Gangs with guns shooting at each other, hitting innocent victims, and responsible gun owners are made to pay the price for it.  A cop killed one of the gang members that was just let out of prison on parole.  He was in on a manslaughter charge.  What people fail to notice, or fail to protest, is failed leftist policies like that, which put all of our lives in danger.  But the leftist NJ governor will address this by calling for more gun laws that only affect responsible gun owning citizens in NJ, who own guns so they can defend themselves against the gang thugs that we are talking about here.  Meanwhile nothing will be done to the gangs that are the real problem because they belong to a protected class.  The fact elected hacks and the media want to label this a mass shooting, rather than gang violence, just proves they believe they can disarm everyone and all of this will stop.  Welcome to the fantasy world of unicorns, rainbows and totalitarian tyranny.  

There are plenty of people who are worried about this stuff, but when they try to address it, they're labeled racists, extremists, terrorists and deplorable.  Pass a law saying gangs are terrorist organizations and their members can be arrested or shot on sight and this stuff will stop.  None of these cretins will even be productive, taxpaying members of society.  They will only wind up costing taxpayers millions, or maybe their lives, but hey, they also have a spark of divinity, right?

VJP,  nothing has ever been done to keep criminals in prisons or county lock up. That's a fact!

The reason I titled the post and posted the way I did is easy to understand, if you hat isn't lined with heavy duty tin foil.

Make no mistake, I have concerns about these issues, but I also tend to look more on what's going on in my own yard, then buy into conspiracy theories. I try to keep a level head these days on such matters. I state my issue, I call out the fake martyrs who boast or post about this rally or that rally, and then nothing ever happens. People talk a tough game on here, but they all just sit on the sidelines, like me, and wait for the great organizations to save them. What a croc! 

Loosing respect fast for people on a hunting forum who rarely if at all ever post about anything hunting/fishing/camping/hiking related. But, carry on, you have Alex Jones and his "Male Enhancement" ads to keep you going.

Have a great season fishing ( or site trolling as the people who replied like to do ) .

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