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Headed to the cabin for a week


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Going up with my 14 year old. Haven't been there since May. Had to hire someone to mow the lawn around the cabin. He did it 4 times never told me what he was charging?? lol

Plots have to be mowed trails cleared and so on. We are so busy with our Construction business its tough to get away. Like my neighbor said "Be busy now and make room for hunting season!" So true....

Cams have been out for a long time hope to see some nice ones.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just got back from the cabin. Everything looked good and the place was in order. Got the mowers and trail mower going, fixed a couple of things then took it easy. My neighbor got a new Woods brushhog and he brought it over. He did all my trails for me which needed it bad. So greatful to have such a great friend so close. Checked the cams. Had a lot of good looking doe and fawns but just one buck. That is a bit disappointing. This was from early may to July 16. Did get one bear a real closeup of him and he pissed with the camera. Here are a few nice shots and one crazy one that looks like ET! BTW there is so much corn planted this year its crazy. 




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i never worry about buck photos right now. their needs are different than the does. but they always show up late august sept when horn are hardening and their needs change. my neighbor has the opposite problem he get tons of buck photo in july early august then they dissappear.. he is the one with the problem imo. never seen someone so dissapointed everyyear when they dissapear


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