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Fletch's Field Notes 2018


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10/26 pm 46

Out in the outer Hole stand for 2 hours. For 1.5 hours nothing but squirrels. Then saw something running out past my lane over 200 yards out. Put the binos on and watched a small deer running all over. About 10 minutes later I hear crashing and running deer and a buck grunting. Woohoo this is what we want. So I see a doe a fawn and another. I can’t see any antlers. They are all in the brush. Chasing and going this way and that. Then one comes out and I get the binos on it at 20 yards and it is the smallest buck ever. He’s not a fawn but 1.5 and he has a one inch antler ikon the right and a 2-3 inch pencil thin left. Oh well had some action anyway!

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10/31 pm 58


Hunting my brothers middle stand out back today since I got in late. No one has sat this stand in over a year. I did have a little 4 point sneak in behind me. He offered a shot at about 25. He was downwind and a bit on edge. I was fooling around calling to him and trying to get a selfie and got busted lol. That was it, a quick 1.5 hour sit.

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11/2 pm 55
Sat for another 4 hours and saw one doe at about 15 minutes before sunset. Looked like the one from this morning. She was 10 yards. She hit my hot doe drag line and stopped and turned and b lined outa there.

Long day to see 3 deer. Saw a bunch driving home.

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11/4 pm


Out back in the far stand for 3 hours and again nada. My 16 year old sat in the tower with the crossbow for almost 2 hours. He saw a real big doe too far out. The passed a 4 point at 10 yards and then passed a 3 point in the same spot. He said the doe was twice as big as either of the bucks and was waiting for her to come back.

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11/9 am 35

Hit the bean stand on the island. Sit time 3 hours.
At 7:45 Finally had a dandy buck come in straight downwind. He stops dead at 30 head on turns and starts walking away. I grunt him he stops at 35 ish quartering away. I rush knowing he ain’t sticking around and yank the trigger I never pulled a shot so bad. The scope moved in front of my eye! I was 100% positive I missed but the ground is so soft I lost the bolt so I quadruple checked for hair/ blood for an hour.

He was a nice 8 I think 2.5-4.5 yo tall rack. Not huge but a dandy.


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11/10 am

Down in the lower Hole stand for 2 hours. Had one follow a scent drag in 10 minutes after I got in. Was 10 feet under me and too dark to even see any antlers. Had a 1.5 ur old 6 pt come through later.

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11/13 pm 47


Out in the far stand out back for 2.5 hours. The first 2 hours were pretty slow. Then I had a small buck follow a doe and fawn off to my left and chase them behind me. Then another small buck followed those 3. A bit later I see a small buck following one from my back left out front. Maybe 2 of the same. It gets sunset and I have to wait for the one out front to leave.


I get 150 yards from stand and just cross the creek and I hear crashing so I stop. It’s pretty dark now and I see two run by. Then another about 40 yards from me. I still hear another coming with the weakest grunt ever. This one sounds like it’s gonna run me over. It comes hauling outa the thick stuff 15 feet from me and off to my side and stops dead and gets spooky and turns away and blows lightly a couple times. He did not go far but gave me a chance to slip out. I have no idea if it was 4, 6 or 10 different deer lol.




Unfortunately the boy saw zip in the tower 400 yards away. They were between us just not far enough.





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11/14 pm 28

Out in my bean stand on the island. 3 inches of snow and not a track made in the last 24 hours on the 1.5 mile hike in. The snow really opens this stand up. Felt a bit naked with a bow lol.

Has a small flat go by out front at 4:30 and a small buck cross behind me a bit later.

On way out hit a few fresh tracks and on the drive multiple deer moving.

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Bow is done.


Had a good season for sightings for me. I saw 15 bucks one for every 5.3 hours in stand. And I saw a deer for every 2 hours in stand. Much better than the last couple of years. My time in the stand was down a bit. I hunted 79.5 hours. I would have to call the season a success but I am disappointed in me lol.


I took a solid doe early and put myself in the right place to take a good buck but screwed the shot so it is what it is.


Onto fun with the gun!!

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So we had about the poorest opening weekend we can remember. We had 6 of us across 3 properties and opening day saw 4 deer no shots. Second day we were down to 4.5 of us and saw 6 deer, I had the only shot op and I missed. I am not doing well this season lol.


Now it will be working hard to make the freezers look a lot better!

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