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Looking for a youth harness.


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 My daughter really wants to sit with me in my treestand but I won't even consider it without a harness for her. She 4.5 years old and i am confident in her being able to get in and out tied off i just want the right size harness. Can anybody steer me in a good direction?

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I dont have an option for you other than the youth model safety systems, but if you do get her out there, id highly reccomend a lifeline as well.. That way shes attached the second she leaves the ground. Maybe its just me but, i think a lifeline as well as some sort of body harness is your best bet. Id Hate to see anything happen to your precious little girl is all. 

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I may still have the one I used for my grandson. It was a regular size strap type harness. But the straps all could be adjusted as small as needed. There were a lot of long tag ends, but it did work. But I'm sure it's not as good as a youth HS vest type would be? Will be downstairs getting stuff ready after work. I'll look for it. I'll be hunting the lake property, right around the corner from you. Will drop it off on my way over to the farm, later on.

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12 minutes ago, biggamefish said:


 Thanks for the offer. If you can't put your hands on it easily  don't worry about it this weekend. Don't need it right away. I am just trying to be proactive. Plus we need to get together for some coffee and story telling.


I look forward to our coffee, storytelling, and comparing notes!! 

Will shoot you a PM later this evening, after I dig around in my plastic totes.

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