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Couple Questions For Those Who Hunt From Hub Blinds


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We picked up four Ameristep Vanish, hub blinds this year, and put them out in September. Have them all set up close to different bedding areas on the farm property. Makes it easier to hunt with my grandson. He almost got a shot from one during the youth weekend. Also nice to have on those drizzly days, to stay dry and comfortable. And using them, saves our prime spots for the rut, and later in the season.

But I have a couple questions for those that have hunted from them for awhile.

#1 Since the inside is black, do you wear black clothing, like hat, jacket, gloves and face mask? Or just regular camo? Does it make a difference, as long as you keep movement to a minimum and the wind is right? 

#2  What about the "Black Hole" effect when looking at the blind from the outside? It must look as unnatural to deer, as it does to me? Just looks like well..... black holes, in the surrounding brush, where the blinds are set up. Haven't had any close deer from any of these blinds yet, even though there is plenty of deer using these bedding areas. Could the black hole effect be keeping them from coming within bow range?  

I don't think it will make as big a difference during rifle season as the range is expanded. But just don't seem to be getting anything at all within bow range. They are all set with cover behind them and brushed in. Also there are no trail cams near them, so we are not disturbing the area, except just to hunt. And only when the wind is right for that blind.

Sorry for the drawn out post.

All tips will be considered. Thanks.


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I was always told to wear black but if you have it brushed in well, not sure it makes a huge difference.  Keep the black holes as small as possible while still allowing a shot.  I have worn both black and camo and I do think black is better but I don't own much black that works when its cold.

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Black gear inside is preferred, but I think it depends more on your shot angle.  If you're overlooking an area, then it probably won't matter as much as if you're on level ground at eye level.

As long as you brush the blind in, you're good, like Moog said.  Keeping the rear windows closed will keep you from silhouetting yourself too.

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I haven't had much luck bow hunting from a hub blind Grampy.  I always just wear camo in them, but black makes more sense.  If you figure out a way to combat the "black hole" effect, let me know.  That's my #1 pet peeve. 

I bought a new Ameristep Brickhouse, and I'm hoping to set it up tomorrow.  My plan is to crowd it against a brushpile or into a pine/softwood.  They are great for staying dry.  I've been impressed with how waterproof they are.  I've only had success rifle hunting out of them though.  Hoping to change that.

Good luck!

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