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What is with this cutesy title of "A Caravan"? Why don't we call it what it really is? ..... a stinking foreign invasion.

And what is with all this discussion about whether this mob has lawbreakers and bad people in it. They are ALL coming to break U,S. law. They will become 100% law-breakers that have zero respect for the laws of the country they will be pretending to form an allegiance to. I think it is time to adopt a hard-line attitude on these would-be criminals and bounce them all the way back to their country of origin.

Furthermore, once they are caught trying to test the sovereignty of our country's laws, they should be deemed forever ineligible for even legal attempt at U.S. citizenship.

And if ever a case was proven for the need of a real border wall, this mass invasion (and now series of mass invasions) makes an irrefutable case for the wall.

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George Orwell warned us the government would one day resort to political "double speak" to influence the masses with lies.  I guess a lot of folks haven't read his book.

Until a wall is built, we need the military on the border with orders to carry out border protection with extreme prejudice against anyone attempting to rush their way into this country.

Once they are fair warned, it's their choice.


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