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Doe harvest reports


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So I’m going to start this out by saying please don’t hijack this thread about Ar’s. So the past few days I’ve been thinking, most of the AR wmu’s in the state also have low DMP’s available. How much do you guys think lack of tag reporting plays into this. I always report every tag I fill. I’m wondering if you think many DMP harvests go un reported which leads to dec thinking they were not filled and keeps the tags available down for next year?



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it's low reported rate everywhere. it certainly doesn't help because it's overly cautious. if less are being "filled" they think it's because the opportunity wasn't there. they don't divulge a lot but what i've gotten from them is just that. i know they typically go off buck take objective but that's not accurate in a unit with ARs. the BTO accounts for basically any buck capable of breeding is also being a legal deer for harvest and an index for deer population. they won't make any drastic change in numbers from year to year though. that's what i've gathered from talking to them. you could email Albany or call with the question.

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I thought it would be the opposite. If people dont report the take,wouldn't the DEC issue more tags to reach their goals?
I am in 4F,and i get a doe tag pretty much every year.

Yea 4f is listed as a high first choice, I think it’s because you guys are on the far edge of the Catskills. I always thought if a higher percentage of tags were filled they would feel the population is up and issue more tags

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8 minutes ago, chefhunter86 said:

Yea 4f is listed as a high first choice, I think it’s because you guys are on the far edge of the Catskills. I always thought if a higher percentage of tags were filled they would feel the population is up and issue more tags

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we do have a ton of deer here. I saw a dozen or so down the road from my house this afternoon. They seem to be in good sized groups already.

You might be right,i dont know what the DEC bases their herd estimates on.

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