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Heck.....I don't know where I'm supposed to put this. Got a few shots of some vultures today thought some of you may like, but they aint deer or hunting related so move to what ever section of the forums they should be in....

Anybody else seeing them. I love Turkey Vultures more than turkey!






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Great pictures!

Aren't they such a pretty bird ....... a face only its mother could love .....lol.

That's funny, but I can't remember ever seeing one of those critters back when I was a kid. I don't know whether I just wasn't paying attention, or whether they just never came this far north back then.


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Back in the 70s they were in deep trouble. Like eagles and falcons DDT affected their egg shells. Same with blue herons. But the falcons and eagles got the publicity cause their purdy.

Little trivia Before the civil war there were no vultures in the area surrounding Gettysburg. But both armies left hundreds of dead horses on the field; now Gettysburg has a large population of vultures

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