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Beware of seller "Richshunting help" on Ebay


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:'(  Richshuntinghelp is a seller of hunts on Ebay. I wanted to buy a hunt so I called Rich Botta and he said to send him my deposit and he would take care of the booking. I sent my $1000 deposit in April 2011. Now that he has my money he will not return my calls nor emails. It is evident at this late date that he has defrauded me of my money and does not intend on arranging a hunt for me. Beware of this seller as he will not do what he says he will do.

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Sorry to hear that...we recently won a bid on a Mercury  out board...1200.00....We refused to send payment until we received the motors seriel #s....#'s were sent and we then called mercury to confirm...no such #'s...well contacted person ...excuses...then old owner must have rubbed them off....STOLEN much :;) ....Ya well he has it back up on Ebay again.....go figure

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  • 2 years later...

Sorry to hear that...we recently won a bid on a Mercury  out board...1200.00....We refused to send payment until we received the motors seriel #s....#'s were sent and we then called mercury to confirm...no such #'s...well contacted person ...excuses...then old owner must have rubbed them off....STOLEN much : :) ....Ya well he has it back up on Ebay again.....go figure


e bay is the bigest  fencing scam there is on a lot of things auto, motorcycle parts etc

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Group,


I am Richie Botta a hunter and a family man like everyone else on here who has a love for hunting and StarGazer hunted with one of my outfitters in iowa and had a great time you can email him he will let you know. He was undecided on which hunt to do and finally we got him a hunt that fit his schedule. I have been in business for over 12 years. We try out the hunting properties first 10-15 hunts a year before sending clients. We go on the bad hunts so you can go on the good hunts!!!!. We sell over 200-400+ hunts a year. Feel free to call me for refernces or questions. Happy Hunting!!! and Happy Thanksgiving.



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