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Governor Cuomo's speach

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“We know the future,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Let New York lead.”

 Lead where? 

 Did I miss Cuomo explaining any realistic reforms like the elimination of gun violence, rid society of violent sociopaths, lower income taxes, lower property taxes, make schools safer, punishing welfare and disability cheaters, term limits for all elected positions and make New York State government more efficient?


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11 hours ago, ADK Native said:


“We know the future,” Mr. Cuomo said. “Let New York lead.”

 Lead where? 

 Did I miss Cuomo explaining any realistic reforms like the elimination of gun violence, rid society of violent sociopaths, lower income taxes, lower property taxes, make schools safer, punishing welfare and disability cheaters, term limits for all elected positions and make New York State government more efficient?


:rofl: ^^^^^^^^^^^

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1 hour ago, rob-c said:

reforms like the elimination of gun violence

He is working on that one with more gun laws that will eventually make it impossible to own one.

13 hours ago, ADK Native said:

Did I miss Cuomo explaining any realistic reforms like the elimination of gun violence, rid society of violent sociopaths, lower income taxes, lower property taxes, make schools safer, punishing welfare and disability cheaters, term limits for all elected positions and make New York State government more efficient? 


He also failed to include his long term plan to eliminate the star program which will cost individual tax payers thousands of dollars.

But on a positive note he plans on collecting a 20% sales tax on "legal" marijuana use and isn't smart enough to realize that will just increase the market value and price  of black market marijuana and still hasn't learned that people will always try to find away around a item that is taxed.

What  a dope.:crazy:

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