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This is just sad


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Notice the teacher is the biggest propagandists in the room.  She has really done her job of teaching the kids what to think, as opposed to how to think.  She has no idea what the costs and consequences to society would be if the "Green New Deal" were to ever become law.  She's been brainwashed and is making a career out of brainwashing the students she's allowed to have contact with.

We really need to get the government out of education altogether.

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If teachers do what is disrespectful, they do not deserve respect.  They are not idols nor authorities.  They must earn respect.  And that comes from the community they are paid to serve.  Unless you are willing to send your children to "indoctrination centers" that will school them against all of the morals and values you hold dear.  Too many who work for the government want us to think they are superiors, when in fact, we are their superiors.  They need to look up the definition of "serve".

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Maybe the teacher should have told them that usa is not the world and just because we decide to jump off a bridge doesn't mean the rest of the world will, as a matter of fact the rest of the world would be happy and help push us over .

And continue life as it is now that's all that's going to happen from the Green New Deal nothing . 

Country's like , China not going to stop driving cars just because we say so .Even if what the bs artists say was true which it's not btw . Green new deal would have no effect on the climate.  

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I wish these climate scamartists would at least do something useful with all the cash they been making with this scam green bs,    something  actually good for the environment like buying up land to make into wildlife parks that we all can use for things like hiking fishing and most important HUNTING !!! 

But NO  they have to  blow cash  on every crazy idea that will never work as good as what we use today .  


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Why doesn't the school administration step in and give the kids info concerning all sides of the issue?  Why not tell them the disadvantages to their future if the costs demanded were forced upon them and what they could realistically expect to gain from the huge sacrifices they would be forced to make?

Because the fish rots from the head down, that's why.

Public education is now public indoctrination.  Even the Chinese are learning from it, and they have been considered the world's premier propagandists up till now.


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