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forever wild property???


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I GOOGLED NYS Forever Wild Land and came up empty handed as far as an answer goes . There is a lot of information but nothing that says it can or cannot be hunted so I can't be of any help . I guess there are small chunks of Forever wild land around but thousands of acres in the Dacks and Catskills .

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yea thats what i found as well... i noticed that when i did a google search myself some local listings of homes for sale in town say in their description that they border "forever wild" land... im in fairport so its kind of interesting. its killing me bc i have seen some very nice bucks right in the village!!! lol ill do some local research to find out the truth.... thanks fast eddie

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Let me guess the town claims it is there land right? If so that seems to have a common theme with the little parcels of forever wild land that Rosevelt left to the people of the state. Finding any information on the land is going to take more leg work than googling it on the internet. A trip to public records office would be needed if they are not lost and forgotten and just maybe on purpose. I could tell you a story of my hometown and land they posted and claimed as the towns land that was indeed deemed forever wild but not going into details on the internet about that one or how it turned out.

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