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Bucks getting frisky already?


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My buddy called me tonight around 6:30 and told me he was on his way home and was passing the Catholic church in Coram. There is a open field right next to the church where we always see deer out in the evenings. Well he told me that there was 7 does/fawns in the field and on the edge of the woodline was two 8 pointers. He pulled in the parking lot and watched them because the bucks were sparring with each other pretty good. He said that it went on for a good 10-12 minutes. He took a pic with his camera phone but it didnt come out so good because they were about 75 yards away. He shot some video with his phone which he showed me. Again not great video but you could definitely see them going at it. It actually got pretty agressive with the one buck on the right finally pushing the other guy to the ground and forcing him off into the woods. My buddy said that the "winner" began to walk around all stiff legged with his tail straight out. I know that they are starting to feel each other out but this looked more like a full blown fight. I just found it real interesting this early.

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Usually those pecking orders are detumined between the bucks reletivly close to when that velvet comes off. Its not uncommon to see bucks goin at it as early as sometime in september. Ive seen plenty of bucks over the years during early bow come in with broken up racks, they dont get that way from rubbin trees

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