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Poison Ivy and Poison Oak

noodle one

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I just got off the phone with my son in CA. He was telling me that he has a bad cast of poison Oak. He has always had this problem with both the Ivy and Oak since he was little. If he even get close to it he brakes out. He told me that he has a Doctors appointment in two day but in the mean time it is starting to get to him. He has tried everthing. He told me that he always had good luck with (Zanfel , $40.00 for one oz.tube) It the only over the counter med that works for him, but not this time. He said that he has gone through two tube and it isn't helping. If anyone knows of anything that might help we would appreciate it. Thanks ,noodle one

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Hey there I too am very allergic to the ivy. Luckly in Ny up in albany we only have to worry about poison ivy and not oak it doesn't come this far north.

Anywho Depending on where it is I have used both alchol and bleach to kill it on my hands. (NOT RECOMMENDED) leaves scars sometimes but I am ion it so much if I got the steriods everytime I would be a body builder and have little n**s (j/K). If it is a small area i use this method open it up and wash it then while it is still open I pour rubbing alcohol on it or the bleach. It stings like a mother but it drys it right out. Don't do this if it is a huge spot. There is also a gold bond medicated itch cream that is a small tube and expensive but takes the itch away.

The other thing I hae to offer it TECHNU it is in the CVS's around me it is a pretreatment that work up to 12 hours after you have gotten into the posion ivy\oak. the directions are on the bottle for use on that and that stuff does work and work good. I use it whenever I think I have gotten into it and I have cut my ivy down in half.

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as strange it may sound, this goes right along with the bleach concept. I used to get it a lot when i was in my late teens and early 20's. My father told me to use gas. yup, straight gasoline. i thought he was nuts until i tried it and it worked within a day or two at most. just take some gas and dip a cotton ball into it and then rub it on to the affected areas. do this every hour or two and it will be gone before you know it. Like bleach, this isnt recommended by any doctors and i am sure the FDA wouldn't approve. but it truly does work

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