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This deserves cruel punishment

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Her life mattered!

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Aaron Dorr

This is Officer Natalie Corona, Only 22 years old and 5 months in the Police force.

She was responding to a car crash when the following occur:

As Officer Corona was conducting an investigation at the collision scene, a person not involved with the crash rode up to the scene on a bicycle. As Officer Corona spoke to one of the persons involved in the crash the man then walked up to her and opened fire without warning, striking her. He shot her several more times after she fell to the ground.

RIP Natalie, you were a HERO!!

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Death is too easy for scum like this.  The scum that killed her committed suicide. 

These people need to be made to feel a lot of pain, until they beg for death.  There needs to be a deterrent that makes scum like this fear the consequences of their actions.

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4 hours ago, squirrelwhisperer said:

Cruel punishment - I disagree

Capitol punishment - most definitely 

While the death penalty may not be the deterrent we all hope for, certain people should not be allowed a second chance after committing certain acts. 

Capital punishment in the public square....with a rope around his/her neck.

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