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Dogs running deer............thanks neighbor!

New York Hillbilly

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Well since bow season, I have every couple of days heard dogs (at least one of them a hound) pounding game. As a beagler myself of forty years, I try to give the benefit of the doubt when it comes to running hounds. Rabbits.......nope not how they move it out and the ground they cover (no hare here) so I figured maybe coyotes, but more likely and sadly, deer running.

I now know for sure after I heard the pack open at the top of my hill, and then proceed to drive a nice six or eight point buck and three does, at full tilt past my buddy and then through the orchard I was sitting in. I never saw the dogs but my buddy confirmed first in line, beagle, followed by a slower beagle cross and a mutt along for the ride.

So here I go taking off my only time off from work all year to hunt, my buddy driving almost daily 50 plus miles each way here and back home, to hunt, and we have the answer to why the deer are not around. If this were a simple matter of a rabbit hunter's beagles taking the almost inevitable, much hated and feared occasional deer run it would not be so bad. But now I know that someone (likely a neighbor) is letting their pets run wild during deer season and ruining the hunting as well as placing their pets in real danger. As a dog owner I would never cause them harm, even if they are pissing me off, because I blame the owners not the dogs. There are others out there who will not take that same position and that is not fair to the dogs.

So let just say for myself, my buddy, the other hunters in the area, your dogs and especially the deer, to who ever owns theses dogs......thank you neighbor. Sorry.....board members.......I had to vent!

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Should have grabbed them when I had the chance yesterday. They were running again this morning, but off in the distance. I'll give them this much....they are persistent. I did drive around the area during mid-day and checked to see if they were hanging out in anyone's yard. No Luck! Interesting side note was I saw more deer today than any day this season, and had a chance to shoot nine of the ten does I saw. No bucks again today though but it was nice seeing deer though. Nice day....no dogs........seeing deer.

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