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Warmbag is ok but was loud duri.g the demo i saw at the harrisburg show. Hbs seemed warmest but a little more cumbersome in stand and bulky. People who use it always....ALWAYS...say they love it though.

I really liked the iwom. It seems to be the most comprehensive one out there. I cant vouch for warmth but the hbs is probably warmest. Still i think the iwom would be my choice.

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I guess it is up to you, they all look the same to me. I prefer warm clothes where I can still move and walk around so I can use it also when predators hunting. This garment seems for the stands only. When it gets that cold (say, single digits) don't forget to protect your face also.

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I was in the same boat as u, I went with all full suit from arctic shield. Basically same technology as the body bags, except you actually get a jacket and bibs vs a bulky akward bag. I did a review in the review of gear section. I just felt I got more for my money and didn't have to worry about emerging from a bag when the big guy strolled up..... I am always cold, like ill catch a chill when its 50 cold so warm gear was a must, and I def do not have the money to go spend hundreds on gear so I wanted to do it once ! I have been more than pleased with it and it has always kept me warm. Even my cheap father who used to wear the same camo and wool from the 60's went and bought the same suit... Beyond highly reccomend it !

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