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live from the woods!


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Well currently switching spots after I found a trespasser. Pretty sure its the same meth head/whackjob who rode his bicycle back into the woods last season. Then proceeded to have a conversation with my decoys....my 8 year old an I were like what the heck! So off to a new untouched spot for the first time! Gotta love bustinn your butt only for others to ruin the morning!

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I've almost come to expect it. People just don't care. And not to be judgemental but I'm sure this guy is a few fries short of a happy meal. Thinking what's goin on upstairs is probably a hot mess. Has no clue that people are hunting and he's in the middle of it. Oh well...what can ya do other than continue to hunt

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I've had my land for four years and up until last week hadn't really had any problems. I'm surround by state forest land. I hunted last Wed/Thur. Wednesday morning, we got in the woods well before light and hunted just off the edge of my land in the state property. After setting up, I noticed a flashlight in the woods behind me- over on or very near my property. I shined my light in that direction and quickly his light went out and I never saw anyone. We came out of the woods about 10am and drove up the forest road where we saw a truck parked. There was a man and woman in the truck, in camo. I asked if they were having any luck. At exactly the same time, the man said 'no' and the woman said 'we're just getting here'. That seemed fishy. We drove off and noticed that the truck left right after we did. My guess is that the flashlight I saw earlier in the morning was one of theirs. Then, we got back to my camp and heard what we thought was a few birds calling pretty close to the cabin. We quickly got our gear together and headed back in the woods, only to find another hunter set up about ten yards off my property line and calling while facing my land. I asked him if he was the guy I saw in the woods earlier in the morning. Of course he said, 'No, just got here'.

Sorry for the long post. It's just frustrating to know that there's basically nothing I can do about it and there's probably guys set up on my property right this moment. I have only 20 acres and I'm surround by thousands of acres of state forest. Why is my light speck of land suddenly so popular with the locals? Ugh!!!

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