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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/09/12 in Posts

  1. 1 point
  2. I am in the process of converting my Treestand into a Zombie Bunker / Fortress
    1 point
  3. Because I wish to choose who to spend my money on to help rather then feel good about the government deciding where my money gets spent, I am an uncaring bastard? If that is your qualifier then yes, I am one and proud of it.
    1 point
  4. There is a big difference between being Unfortunate and being a Lazy Leech !
    1 point
  5. This topic seemed to go beyond just health care for some, so here's my thoughts.. I have heard the pros and cons and I feel that affordable healthcare for all americans is a good thing. We are inundated with the religious citizens preaching about the ills of this country and then they would deny people affordable health care. It is a fact that thousands of people die each year because of lack of health care. Why don't these deeply religious folks feel that we should "care for the sick" ( one of the corporal works of mercy.. I believe). Wasn't it said in the Bible that one of the 2 greatest commandments was to love your neighbor. I am a senior citizen and hear people complaining all the time about government, but they sure don't return their benefits. It's easy to complain while you collect. I asked one recently if he would turn down medicare after his contributions to the system had been met.. The question was not appreciated...would you turn it down ? Why not exclude medical deductions on your federal tax forms ? Aren't we all contributing because you got sick. Why should charitable deductions be allowed..If you feel so good about helping people so be it, but why should the government reward you for your personal beliefs. Why allow additional deductions for children, it was your choice, so why should you be rewarded. Locally, why should I pay for school taxes. I don't have kids in school and I paid when I did. And especially why should I pay for school sports. Why should my taxes fix roads in Alaska (etc.) I'm never going to drive on them. Why pay unemployment benefits ? If you don't like them then turn them down if you lose your job. My point is this : The answer "FOR ME" to the above is that we contribute because we are a civilized society who cares for each other and sometimes we contribute for the good of others. We don't all benefit by everything we pay for. What happened to "United We Stand." I'm happy that for all my years I lived in a country that cares for the well being of it's citizens. It may not be perfect, but I love it !!
    1 point
  6. why does the fortunate have to share if they worked for what they have?
    1 point
  7. As scary as it sounds conservatives don't have a candidate that can win. Romney?... The downfall of our democracy will be our election system. Not having a third party is asinine. I would love to see Paul Ryan, Chris Christie, or Marco Rubio take on Obama. But Romney? He's likely to lose out to this clown.
    1 point
  8. You are the champ wooly! Congrats and happy easter to you and yours.
    1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. Does anyone remember the black bear mount at frontier town ? ( Adirondacks) I thought that was a massive bear ? But I was a kid the last time I was there. It was when you walked into the gift shop area I think ?
    1 point
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