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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/03/12 in all areas

  1. A couple of weeks ago, I got pre-approved for a mortgage. Since then, we have been looking at houses. All I have to say, is wow. Its amazing to me what people try to pass off and sometime just downright lie about when selling their home. Today we saw a house that was advertised as having 3 bedrooms, and when we got there, actually had 2. The realtor said, well, you could add a third by framing in a wall or two in the finished basement. Are you serious? Then others with huge, glaring problems that they apparently expect people to look past. Just amazing to me. The good news is, we found a house that we wre just waiting for the realtor to get back to us on, and we are going to put an offer on it.
    1 point
  2. FYI: Right now on swhacker.com you can buy one pack of swhacker broadheads and get one free! Just wanted to share this info for those of us hunters that use mechanical broadheads.
    1 point
  3. It took me 7 years to get my first bow-killed deer. Back then the population was in short supply, and the archery equipment that we used was truly primitive (not by choice either .... lol). The Monday morning get-togethers at work always had conversations about the doe that someone saw off in the distance, or the one that got away, or the shot that they almost got, but it was a rare thing when someone had a story about actually getting one. A lot of us took quite a few years to start getting deer with a bow. Nobody got discouraged or dropped out because of it. We just assumed that the next time out would be the charm .... lol. When someone did finally connect, it was a true massive sense of achievement. It was a unique and rare event that caught a whole lot of attention. We all understood that that would be the pay-off eventually, and that kept us going. Things have really changed. Now when someone doesn't connect each year we wonder what went wrong .... ha-ha. We don't care about the doe that someone saw, or the missed shot. The first question asked is "what did it score?".
    1 point
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