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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/09/12 in all areas

  1. Yeah -- because I'd want anyone to find my stands.
    2 points
  2. Good thing I have a long lens - these guys were swarming like crazy. Take care Dave
    1 point
  3. Yes i have removed before I have done some with company that remod's home's.Supply's that you have will work,also suggest going back to depot and get this product called mold armour after removing debris you can spray this on and it will kill remaining spore's hope this help's.
    1 point
  4. That's an important facet to take care of the wife.. been there, done that.!!! LOL
    1 point
  5. Government huh, local townships have been using satellite imagery for years now to see if people put up barns, garages, home additions etc so they can TAX U MORE!!! And these are people that live right in yer own neighborhood, that you more than likely voted for??? If Washington is flying drones over your house to check you out "yooouuu might just be a Terrorist!!
    1 point
  6. "FYI if it was out for livestock and you shot a deer off it it still is a ticketable offense as baiting." You're only partially right on that one Culver but I'm not going to argue baiting law, do's and don't's. Long story short, too many people seem to jump up on a soap box and preach the law. I've worked in law enforcement for more than 15 years and at times I have worked very closely with Encon Officers. I can tell you that the picture that started this thread presented alone is not a smoking gun of baiting, especially in May or June. I go back to jumping to a conclusion or simple assumptions. And can someone explain why this thread should be locked? No one has been disrespectfull or vulgar. Its a simple debate or discussion that I wouldn't even term as heated.
    1 point
  7. I'm on this and will call tomorrow. if they are not available tomorrow i will call monday first thing....i will also get atleast 3 others to do the same, Great Work!!
    1 point
  8. You know I never heard of the NYB, nor the sling shot hunters, nor the crossbow hunters and all other "non-traditional firearm" hunters. I guess if someone or group wanted to hunt with a spear, like humans used to, some on this board would find some fault with it. Is it really that important that there is an impression that others are encroaching on what some of the writers here feel is their "territory" and "dates"? Maybe it's just me, but whatever "legal tool", a hunter uses is irrelevant to me. Maybe it's because there is some much land where I hunt (120,000+ acres) and it is the rare day when I hear or see another hunter. What I have been reading seems to be more about the issue that the hunting land and opportunity to hunt is very competitive in the writers areas. Hunting is hunting and there was a time when there were no seasons. Left to their own devices, we human beings when pressured to the belief that we are loosing our "personal" hunting space will begin to defend it. The verbal fight can be seen here. Let's keep our hunting traditions alive and not destroy from the inside.
    1 point
  9. ...And the Huntingny Bowhunters was born. Who's in?
    1 point
  10. Nah, I saw one the other day standing on the side of the road that was past his ears and had brows and G2s already. The big boys are starting to show their stuff.
    1 point
  11. Oh No! No....no no no no no......now ya did it.
    1 point
  12. If i lived near the place, I would cut the fences lol j/k no need to remind me I am an instructor.
    1 point
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