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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/12 in Posts

  1. ''Man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: As government expands, liberty contracts." Ronald Magnus Reagan, Farewell address, January 11, 1989.
    2 points
  2. I got the first pic of this buck on June 26'th, then the last three were on the 4'th of July. It'll be nice to see how he finishes. Take care Dave
    1 point
  3. Look, I will concede that you have much more stamina for turning every thread into a pissing contest. It's a talent you should be very proud of and apparently are since you have become quite predictable in that lately. It actually is a bit comical, but also becomes quite tedious for me and everyone else too. So understanding how important it is for you to get in the last word, how about you have one more go at blaming me for your lack of reading comprehension and we'll be done with it.
    1 point
  4. Doc ...It's a good thing...see now you guys have 3 letters to fall back on for being "bitchy"...Us woman have had 3 letters for years"PMS".....lol
    1 point
  5. talk nicely hold their hand and walk them off the property. Turn around walk back and they follow you. If someone walked into hour house uninvited would you talk nicely to them? Trespassing is trespassing. If they walk right on through a posted line once they will again.
    1 point
  6. Oh, give it a rest will you for crying out loud. If you can't understand things that you read, that's still no need to take up other people's time with your nonsense. I am not a remedial reading instructor. Find a more useful way of handling your PSI ..... lol.
    1 point
  7. Waterskiing, swimming, cigar smoking, bike riding. Manyt of my stands stay up, one new one has been up and lanes cut couple months back. Sometime in August I'll shoot few arrows, but I know my first 3 will be shot at 40 yards and 3-4 inch group like every past year. Working out is a plus, I do a lot of deadlifts, cleans and 100's of chin ups per week, drawing and holding is a snap I never get sore or have to "work out" my bow muscles by shooting.
    1 point
  8. Those small cordura tri fold shell wallets work very well.
    1 point
  9. I will never deny anyone access to my property for tracking a wounded deer. In fact, if at all possible, I will lend a hand in the blood-trailing task. My only requirement is that I be contacted first. I have had this happen twice and in each case I drove the hunter back up the hill on my ATV and helped him follow the blood trail. In both cases, the deer circled back around and off my land, but that's another story.
    1 point
  10. I refuse to wait until 10/1. I will be out with my bow on 9/27.
    1 point
  11. I've had disagreements with several on here on different topics. Still pretty much would share a cup of coffee or hunt with any one of them. Finally met the exception to this.
    1 point
  12. Culver is a bow hunter, along with many of us crossbow supporters. You elitists are losing the game. You do realize that right? You already lost the fight to keep crossbows out of NY, so now you try and change your position to just keep them out of early archery season. Guess what? DEC wants them in early archery, and so do many hunters in NY. You will lose that fight as well.
    1 point
  13. I have stands that I can actually see from other stands for all the points mentioned already. I will make one observation though......I GUARANTEE you when you are in one of them you will be watching them walk UNDER the other. Just seems to happen...lol
    1 point
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