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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/12 in all areas

  1. Larry The Cable Guy... "That girl was so ugly she had marks on her where people had been touching her with a ten foot pole".... Rodney Dangerfield.. I'm so ugly that when I was born the doctor took one look at me and slapped my MOTHER ! "... Rodney Dangerfield.. " My mother in law is so ugly that if you look up the word UGLY in the dictionary, they have her PICTURE in there "...
    2 points
  2. You keep going back to this no laws, anarchy thing but no one is debating that laws are essential. We are a nation that was built on the rule of law. My point was that collectivism, which is what you are advocating for, is diametrically opposed to freedom, liberty, and why our constitution is different from every other nations constitution. Our constitution provides individuals to reach their full potential in an atmosphere of maximum opportunity. The majority benifit concept sounds great in theory but for every INDIVIDUAL freedom you give up in the name of security or economic good or socail progress is another step towards tyranny.
    2 points
  3. I'd recommend going to your local bow shop and looking at used bows. A lot of them sell used bows- there are a lot of guys who buy new bows every year or so and sell their old bow back to the shop for credit. You can probably get a good deal on a relatively new bow and get a better bow for your money.
    1 point
  4. #9. I don't need to provide a "source" for my original post because I'm not stating a thesis here. I'm raising a philosophical question.
    1 point
  5. Jupiter: #1. I think you're much too late for this conversation. #2. Restriction of freedom for greater good. Agreed. #3. Labelling me as a liberal or conservative. I don't like labelling anyone anything. No one is 100% liberal or conservative. Most people take a convservative stance on one issue and a liberal stance on another. #4. Progression is not a "restriction" of freedom. That's not what I said. Read what I said in context. I was responding to how people label anyone who questions this country as being anti-American but when in fact, it is by questioning ourselves is how we become better. #5. Apple versus Microsoft. Again, read it in context. I never compared the two OS'. When I said Apple over took Microsoft, I mean in market value. #6. Enron was the only one that got caught. I have enough friends in the banking industry to know that pretty much every major company will withhold certain accounting data till the last minute, time certain press releases, only show what's necessary, etc. All within legal parameters. They understand the rules and will stretch it to their limits. #7. Your argument that CEO needs to make a lot because they need to throw extravangant parties is probably not the best example to use. By the way...just a FYI. Sergey Brin walks around in jean and Vibram Five Fingers. #8. Minimum wage increases inflation - inflation increases minimum wage. It's a cycle. But you only added to my point. The market isn't completely free flowing. Governing bodies manipulate it all the time. As you stated in the very beginning. "Restriction of freedom for the greater good". Perfect example is how the SEC controls the way stocks are traded in the interest of keeping it "fair".
    1 point
  6. Yeah I remember that one too!!! Dom came up with that one!
    1 point
  7. Nervous as a porcupine in mating season.... Here's one that would describe me as a YOUNG man ; Horny as a bucketfull of bullheads... I also know ( and have used) a few that are definitely not suitable for a public forum.
    1 point
  8. Ive heard a few of those. I have a bunch of those type of sayings I use, Ill list some, others would be so inappropriate, they would make some of your ancestors blush... dry as a popcorn fart... nervous as a dog sh*tting a peach pit... off like a prom dress... (that smell) could gag a maggot... my new favorite...neck looks like a pack of hotdogs....
    1 point
  9. I think its either a Fisher or Otter, but not really sure
    1 point
  10. It seem like there is never ever a perfect solution to everything. I've gotten much out of this as well. Thanks.
    1 point
  11. Nice prices. I think that the guide is mistaken. They have the crossbows listed under archery equipment.
    1 point
  12. Those who stand in the middle of a fight get punched from both sides.
    1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. Scouts motto - be prepared. Empty the mag and then get stuck in the woods over night or maybe even a few days and I'd want enough ammo for any emegency. Or wound an animal when you empty the mag and then what?
    1 point
  15. Between u and me, I have pudding wrestlin' matches every Friday and ur more than welcome to join, but they must end sharply @ 5pm ( that's when my auto feeders start dumping corn and I don't like to disturb my property) so we usually just head inside and watch re runs of spirit of the wild for a few hours. If uncle ted isn't on we hop on the atv's ( but horses are welcome to join ) and we go play the p.s. game. That's where we ride around ( typically drunk or on bath salts, or even both if ur into that ) and whoever ends up with the most posted signs bearing different land owners names wins a salt lick, a rusted 3 blade rage, a spotlight, some c'mere deer and a 6 pack of Schlitz . Just rsvp as soon as u can so I can make enough tofurkey burgers. Just don't go telling everybody !
    1 point
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