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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/09/24 in Posts

  1. Early season starts soon in select areas of New York. This thread is always a favorite. Good luck, enjoy the season, and be safe.
    1 point
  2. "I notice that everyone that is "pro abortion" has already been born"
    1 point
  3. If you read the seed %, sticker on these bags, rye is usually 70-80% of the seed. Cheaper to buy seed separately and make your own mix. Rye is $10 for 50lb
    1 point
  4. For exercise I have an Assault Air bike that gives pretty much a full body workout along with a stepper, both sit in my living room behind my couch in front of the TV. I do 20 minutes on the bike and 15 on the stepper. Going through the routine watching something interesting on TV makes the session go by quick and easy. Also have a couple of Bullworkers that I mess around with sitting here along side my computer. My every day farm chores will round out my daily workout. As for diet I am these days pretty much a carnivore disciple, I have been around for some time eating different ways. The standard American diet is pure poison and the reason so many people's asses are two axe handles wide and why they are in poor health. The carnivore route has made a believer out of me because it works exactly as advertised. I won't live forever but as long as I am around I want to be able to physically participate in the activities I love. youtube's Kelly Hogan, Dr Ken Berry, Dr Anthony Chaffee, Dr Shawn Baker and Dr Eric berg are my influencers and support. Try it for thirty days, go one day at a time, you will be a believer. Al
    1 point
  5. Just want to add that I do not want to make it sound like a hunter needs a number one dog to have success in the Squirrel woods, my Squirrel dogs have been just average, and I still had a blast and have killed a lot of Squirrels with them over the years. Once in a lifetime hunting dogs of any breed are as scarce as hen's teeth. Al
    1 point
  6. Things are starting to pick up in a couple areas.
    1 point
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