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    _where the deer are
  • Interests
    Hunting is not a hobby, its a lifestyle.

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  • Hunting Gun
    Axis 308
  • Bow
    Elite Pulse & Energy35

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  1. They hid the property overlay in the sub menu Always needed a state subscription to see property lines and owner info
  2. You have to uninstall the app Clear the phone cache Reinstall the app Go to mapping and under the Overlays enable Property info
  3. One lungers can go miles..look for vultures if its dead they will lead you to it.
  4. Crab apple, put up a safety cage around it. Come first snow these are like candy for deer
  5. If you read the seed %, sticker on these bags, rye is usually 70-80% of the seed. Cheaper to buy seed separately and make your own mix. Rye is $10 for 50lb
  6. And just like previous years no early season for 8H Insanity
  7. Most probably coyotes finished it off Here is a pic to give you some idea what bird
  8. They posted this how to on their site
  9. Some carry into late march..just healthy
  10. Came empty handed after a 3 mile hike in the nasty thorny bedding area..oh well will try again next weekend
  11. Did a short walk for about 1.5mile and came up empty..seems bucks are still holding on to their head gear
  12. @luberhill posted the pic of the other deer. Maybe has some recent pics
  13. at 10:49 a doe shows up with its guts hanging out
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