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Four Seasons

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Four Seasons last won the day on December 15 2024

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  1. Will keep working towards keeping the herds and the land in step with each other. So far about 100 or so hanging around enjoying the winter. About half way thru winter and the herd is looking healthy. Love seeing great numbers staying healthy.
  2. 4 more feet coming in to this area today so hopefully whatever snow you had on the roof melted off before the deep freeze and new snow of the next 3 days. A snowy winter this year for sure.
  3. Exactly. And when it comes to personal limits and taking hunting to the max I find and only kill mature bucks. Tough to try and Train a mature buck.
  4. Drones used for anything more then head count of a property or locating a wounded animal.
  5. Imagine that. We love the showing of the true colors though. Speaks Volumes!
  6. Exactly. And he is far from the only one. There is always the same 4-5
  7. lol. 3 guys and 2 guns! Which one was the dog for the day. I remember when there was that many bunnies to be had in a day of brush busting.
  8. Definitely a life size mount. A one in many lifetimes.
  9. HaHa. You not going anywhere buddy unless you jump ship on your own accord. Your long standing record speaks for itself. Although some other people had other ideas for ya.
  10. Hope he did not forget his sign in info. This site not taking new folks will also lock out old members. Smart move for us still on here to write down your sign in info somewhere safe. We are all getting old and forgetful. lol. I have mine in my phone as a contact !!
  11. Your done here because your full of Sh!t and have been proven just that. I threw up just qdm,TDM and the so call deer management to show the subtle differences I throw up 100% proven facts and you throw up absolutely nothing. You say you did all this and all that and show absolutely nothing. Except pictures of bucks I harvest on my properties that have nothing but 100% total herd management that makes great healthy animals of both sexes and great mature bucks for great deer hunting right along for the Benefits of all wildlife and the land itself.
  12. So here you are ducking and running once again. You run your mouth about other people’s actions and yet have been asked 5 times to put up all your great work and ideas. Typical! I sure wish you would put something up here for these guys on here. I mean I sure would hate to think that they can have great habitat, a balanced healthy herd with multiple 120-130 inch bucks walking around on their properties yearly and harvest a couple mature 120in plus every year like I do with my practices. I mean this is a hunting site and you offer nothing but pic ‘s of other people Harvest’s so help these guys out.
  13. We all knew that was coming. Now show us your management plan. I’m 61 and I will guess that most on here are close to the same. Show us all the differences. Another simple google search shows Deer Management, QDM. TDM is not even in this discussion Every aspect of my hunting practices fall under. Deer Management. Again!
  14. Do you honestly think you can have big mature bucks on a pice of property and keep them there without having an all around great management plan? You don’t think our farm and forest management, planting year around crops both for harvest and yearly wildlife food is not total management? You don’t think having sanctuaries off limits to humans is not part of total deer management? You don’t think keeping and taking the right amount of animals off a piece of property is not part of total management? I guess a person can call it what you want but I can promise you that you won’t have bucks like this as the norm walking around on a piece of property on a yearly basis without having a total management plan. In both food, safety and numbers of animals. An all around healthy herd of Whitetails both buck and doe will not be on unmanaged property. You might have a few deer here and there but they mostly will never see maturity.
  15. You’re spot on. And ya know the real funny part that gets me? It’s the guys that say that they are just meat hunters. Not all but most of these same guys do some kind of food plots or work on the lands they hunt, they spend near $1000 on a Gun, Bow and Muzzleloader. They wear $5-600 or more camo outfits on their backs. Run a good number of $150 trail cameras,with $5000 gators or wheelers to haul that meat out of the $10’s of $1000’s of dollars they spent on land or yearly leases. Bullsh!t! This game all starts with the biggest bone in the woods and goes down from there. Most just settle for less before it’s over. Does not take more then an old weapon, wool jacket and a pair of boots to fill tags. On hunting land that does not cost them a nickel at that.
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