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Four Seasons

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Four Seasons last won the day on December 15 2024

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  1. Got a text from our Nextdoor neighbor last week saying there were are 40-50 timing the fields around the farm. Of course with the park right there the Highbanks Road is never short on numbers.
  2. Always wanted to do a hunt up in the wilds of Canada somewhere for a big chocolate horned beast in late winter. One of those box blind cold weather sittings.
  3. Man that is cool. You have a pile of them out there. And all that daytime movement. That screaming in the middle of the night could make some hairs stand up.
  4. Cool how those little dogs have no fear even if the rat is almost as big as them. Nasty Rats!!!
  5. Have a flock of 75-100 birds use my farm every year. Looks like these boys came up for a few stones in their diet.
  6. This arrow is in the tree about 30ft up the tree. Of course it’s on the hills of Letchworth Park. Someone shooting across ridges.
  7. So True. I have a friend that loads my 300Wby Mag shells for me and he makes them “Hot” To sit there and watch him and listen what a little bit to much of this or that could do was enough for me not to get to interested in it
  8. True words. To a point. You see the ones left here are happy to keep the site related to the outdoors. We don’t care what someone is drinking or what kind of cigars they smoke. I have read your posts and I’m sure you just as myself do not come here to learn how to hunt. I still learn all kinds of stuff on deer and food plots,forestry work and such but it’s on sites like Don Higgins chasing giants and Real World seed products and such. I mean you yourself with the knowledge you have must still laugh at some of the words you read from some that left here giving advice on some subjects These sites for most are just a hangout to swing by and throw a few words out here and there Not much serious is going to be coming out from these kind of sites
  9. True that and they never will but one has to be honest. The few that poke in just to say stupid crap on certain threads are offering nothing to the site at all.
  10. Now for the couple others that do the same without all the fan fare. You know the couple 3-4 that only show up to post on certain threads that have something to do with a certain member on this site or something to do with the other site. Yet never post anything on any other subject and yet say how much they like this site. One at a time I guess.
  11. Can’t believe the game lasted this long.
  12. Ah I missed what fat boy had to say before he was once again deleted. Can’t imagine what it could have been coming from a guy that said hunting behind fence was so easy and then said at least 3 times….What if I shoot the wrong deer… now that right there shows you all you need to know about that “Sportsman”
  13. Any sitting snow not melted now weights three times as much. Need a few more warm days to put a dent in it.
  14. I read that also. Some crazy sh!t right there. In a store parking lot no less. Very lucky that dude was there and carting his sidearm around that day for sure.
  15. Well after a season of you sitting as many times that you did and harvesting what you did I would have to guess your behind on your reading. A true “Believer” would have done better one would think. Now your talking Scheme’s.
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