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Everything posted by Deerthug

  1. This is ridiculous!! PETA wants to grow hamburger meat in a test tube??? Some scientist in the Netherlands is experimenting with stem cells from cattle to grow strips of muscle tissue in a test tube. The meat strips can be mashed together to create a hamburger patty. The color of the meat wavers between whitish pink or pinkish yellow. Can you say - Blech!!!! http://news.yahoo.com/wheres-beef-scientists-turn-stem-cells-peta-approved-190648403.html
  2. On second thought securing it to a boat and pulling a rope attached to the trigger mechanism does sound like fun!
  3. Ah! I guess that I just have thunder chickens on the mind instead of Georgia. LOL.
  4. Damn gun laws! Don't know if I would have fired the gun unless I felt in fear for my life especially being that it was outdoors.
  5. What? No prosciutto??? Glad you had a blast!
  6. Are you kidding me??? These kids should get off their lazy a$$es, get an education, get a job and earn a living like all the generations before them did. Truly unbelievable handout mentality!! I like this professor. There should be more like him teaching today's students.
  7. I picked up a pack of 3 universal ones at Dicks for $14.99 last week. The lite that came with my Truglo extreme worked once and died. Replaced batteries and still no worky.
  8. That would be cool to do. I guess you can but you would probably have to use a paint sprayer if you are using the quart cans. The problem is that the quart cans I saw come in black and white only.
  9. Funny you mentioned the brain. Us Greeks fight over lamb brain after the whole baby lamb is slowly roasted on an outdoor spit on Greek Easter!. But not this Greek! Blech!!!
  10. I also picked up some Rustoleum Camouflage utra flat spray cans. Comes in 4 colors. Picked up 3 different colors for $12. Planning on trying it this spring on my Rem 710. Don't think the spray enamel will work. I think you would need to dilute it with some water first. The whole idea with swirling is slowly dripping the colors on the waters surface.
  11. I was thinking of camo-ing my Rem 710 like this guy did it in the video below:
  12. Thanks guys! Only thing is that the paint gives off an odor. Nothing that scent killer won't fix - I hope . . .
  13. Well I made it to Michaels crafts yesterday and picked up oil based enamel hobby paint by Testors. They were $1.99 per .25oz. The colors I selected were glossy black, glossy brown, glossy green and glossy wood. I had some borax from my last fantail mount so I decided to give swirling a try. FIrst you really have to get the temperature just right 78-80 degs. I mixed 3 tablespoons of borax into 2 gallons of water using a basic bucket I bought at Home Depot for $5. You need to mix the borax really well. I actually took a small jar filled with the same water in the bucket and mixed in the borax. I mixed the borax well and then added it to the bucket. Then I stirred the water even more. Once the water stops moving from the stirring I started by adding the darkest color - black- first. Few drops of black in different areas of the water surface. Then I added a few drops of the the brown, green and finally the wood colors. Using a wire hanger I "swirled" the colors slowly until I got it to the design I wanted. I decided to jump right in and swirl my Iphone 4 bow mount. I figured if it didn't come out right I could always just paint over it with flat black spray paint. I attached another wire hanger to the mount's hole. Slowly and carefully I started dipping the mount into the colors moving it ever so gently side to side. Once it was completely submerged I used a hair dryer to move the remaining paint off the surface and away from the mount. The video showed them using newspapers but I didn't have any. I lifted the mount once the surface was free of color and dried it by shaking it and then using the hair dryer and Viola!!! . . . Needless to say I'm quite pleased!!!
  14. Thanks guys. I just hope I remember to keep the bow up after the shot. The turkey decoy was started last year. I had problems with it getting stuck in ruts between rows where the soybeans were standing. This year I modified it and I will be leveling the ground in a couple of areas I will be setting up.
  15. Cool. I'm going to buy some enamel paint and do a swirl of camo colors on my bow mount.
  16. I was thinking of doing the stock on my Rem 710 using that method with camo-ish colors. Problem is if the water temp is not just right or there is not enough borax, the colors will sink to the bottom. I think I'm going to try it first with some items I would not be too P.O'd if they don't come out to well.
  17. Has anyone tried Swirling? No I didn't say "Swinging. Lol! I was thinking of buying the Camo Dipping kits online to camo some of my hunting equipment but I don't want to spend too much money on the kits. I found this on Youtube where it was originated for putting swirling designs on guitars. Then I found videos of people swirling their bows. Seems pretty cheap and easy to do. Any thoughts?
  18. Thanks Eddie. The mount held the phone pretty snugly and I didn't use rubber bands. But at 18 feet up I plan on using the rubber bands. .
  19. A facebook user challenged gun owners to post this picture on your FB wall. I posted it without blinking an eye.
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