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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. There is a specific base and ring setup made by Weaver for autoloading-pump shotguns, it is a side mount utilizing the thicker part of the receiver so there is enough depth for the base screws to utilize plenty of threads and grab well. It is a very reliable proven strong system, and even though the base is mounted on the side the ring design puts the scope directly over the top of the receiver. Below is my Winchester Super X1 slug gun showing a 3X Leupold mounted in that fashion. Al
  2. I have not seen a Stickleback in many years, like your kids I used to catch them in drainage ditches when I was a kid, brought back some good old memories. Al
  3. Looks like a Stickleback Al
  4. As the old master gun writer Jack O'Connor put it. "No man alive can be a really good shot unless be practices a lot. No matter whether he is a varmint hunter, a small bore expert, a big bore target shooter or just some guy that likes to burn powder, unless he shoots a lot he is not a good shot."! I agree and subscribe to Jack"s quote above and literally practice what he preached so I use and have a lot of ammo for all of my firearms.
  5. Dogs do have senses that we as humans can only guess as to what is going on in their head, when something is not right or normal they will react sometimes to things we do not have a clue is going on around us. Your Lab sensed something for sure, whether important or not who knows. More than once I have had my dogs make a fool out of me thinking they were doing something foolish. Training a young English Coon Hound one night I got a bit of education in believing my dog. Earlier in the day I was going through some treeing drills with him, had a scented Coon hide on a rope pulled up high on the trunk out of sight. Got the pup up on the tree truck letting him get the scent and encouraging him to bark tree petting him up good and slapping the tree trunk, he was coming along real good. Took him out that night for training on wild Coon hunting a in a cornfield, not five minutes after he had been cast it started pouring rain. I ran to the woods surrounding the corn field and got under a big willow tree so I would not get soaked. So I am standing under this tree listening for a strike and here comes the pup milling around looking for scent. He then gets up on the tree I am standing under and starts treeing. Now "know it all me" thinks he is remembering his training session earlier in the day and is just barking tree because I am leaning against the truck ducking the rain. I encouraged him to get out and hunt but he was adamant treeing on the tree I am standing under. For the heck of it I turned my cap light on and shined the tree and about 15 feet up there sat a Coon staring down at me. Lesson Learned. Al
  6. You are no hunter period, you do use camo but not very well, your posts reveal what your real purpose is as to being on this board. Al
  7. Give me a freaking break!!!! Your posts for months on this board reveal a pretty apparent hateful agenda against Trump and his policies. You are in the wrong place friend, and by the way do you even hunt? If you have ever posted one thing useful pertaining to the outdoor sports I have never seen it! Al
  8. The "Rifleman's Rifle" the Winchester model 70, there is nothing better when it comes to bolt action sporters in my opinion. If it was mine she would be wearing a regular 2X7 Leupold. Congratulations! Al
  9. While NY has the most cases of this virus I have seen the other hotspot Governors doing and asking for pretty much the same for their states and cities, no better no worse. With Cuomo there is something else going on in addition, I see a slick politician using the media and this pandemic to try and advance his political ambitions. He makes me "puke" when out of one side of his mouth he makes like he is so worried about saving every single precious life from this Corona pandemic but yet he supports abortion big time, a "Catholic" mind you! He has made it clear people like me are not welcome in NY, as far as I am concerned he can kiss both sides, he will never get my vote! Al
  10. That load was made to look badass visually, in reality the performance would be lousy except at very close range as demonstrated and even then it looked like some of the projectiles bounced off the dummy. Some neophyte may be impressed by the look but anyone who knows anything about shot shell ballistics or ballistics period see that demo as a dumbass stunt! Buckshot made from hevi-shot is where it is at if you are wanting to use multiple projectiles to get the most out effectiveness out of a shotgun especially at range. Al
  11. I have never had a problem with any brand of case lube I have tried other than some being more messy than others, they have all worked well and satisfactory, can even remember using STP oil treatment and that worked well also. Have been using the Hornady Unique paste in recent years and have switched to Frankford Arsenal's dry mica setup for inside the case neck lubrication as to eliminate contamination of the powder charge and that has worked well also. Al
  12. I do clean the brass on every reload but unless the brass is extremely filthy I de-prime and resize first I will then run them through the case vibrator- cleaner for a bit to get the lube off and getting both inside and out along with the primer pocket cleaned out. Like I said above you have to go through a process of elimination to find out what the problem is. I have a brand new un-opened stuck case removing tool hanging on a hook over my handloading bench, been there for many years and it has never been used, I have turned out many thousands upon thousands of rounds, there is no way you should be having the cases get stuck like you are experiencing so something is not right. Give the sizing die a good cleaning, it would be a good idea to check inside the sizing die to make sure there is no noticeable defects like burrs, scratches or gunk in there gumming things up. Lube and run a good quality once fired case through your sizing die, if the relatively clean name brand case still sticks I would then believe the die is the problem.
  13. Latter Day Saints preparedness manual, I am not a Mormon but I know good common sense information when I see it, a lot of great tips especially in times such as these. Al ===================================================== The LDS Preparedness manual contains over 130 IN-DEPTH articles on food storage and general Preparedness. EXAMPLES OK, But what do I prepare for? Surviving in the City Money Defense Clothing Emergency Heating & Cooking Emergency Light Emergency Shelter Space Cramp, Where do I Put it all?? Emergency Sanitation Emergency Toilets & Garbage Disposal Emergency Generators Do you Really have a Year's Supply?? Basic Food List Monthly Food Storage Purchasing Calendar Common Storage Foods Grains & Flours
  14. 600 to 700 lbs for the Cows and 800 to 900 lbs for Bulls, mine are grass fed for the most part along with supplements like mineral blocks and feed tubs. The meat is lean and the flavor is comparable to any other beef breed fed the same way. Al
  15. I have been raising Dexters for a little over 30 years, Dinsdale is right they are one of the smallest breed of cattle being one half to one third in size compared to more common breeds, 600 to 700 pounds for Cows on average and Bulls are around 800 to 900 pounds. They were pretty rare at one time but their numbers have come up in recent years, they are a dual purpose breed for both milk and beef and a favorite of small farms that just want a few head of easy care cattle to mess around with and that is where my sales are for the most part. Al
  16. Irish Dexter Heifer calf with Mom and Dad.
  17. So I am going to assume your case prep was done properly pertaining to being clean and lubed. All you need to do is to get your hands on several good quality cases from another manufacturer and run them through your dies, that will tell you where the problem points to. If the different cases size normally you will know the first cases you used are the problem, if all case you try have a problem running through the die it is most certainly the die itself. Lee has a great warranty and service so just send them back to be replaced. I have several sets of Lee dies including a set in 223 Rem myself, I did up several thousand once fired "Lake City" crimped primer military cases and everything went perfectly fine producing some quality handloads. Al
  18. There is always the good old "Dog Butt Scoot" A side note as TP has become so valuable I had to prioritize what was stored securely and protected from theft.
  19. I do not get the I am too busy, have no time or it is not worth the bother. It is really not hard to set up a spot for a few emergency supplies, a corner in a closet, garage or cellar with room enough to place some sturdy shelving along with some decent plastic totes. A proper setup will hold an awful lot of canned and dry goods. A stash of canned goods, cereals, rice, flour, dry milk, dried beans, pasta, dry soup mixes and sugar keep well for long periods and are some of the main ingredients for meal recipes. Utilize these things from time to time for your regular meals and replace, it will never go to waste. Same deal for a garden, you do not need a huge plot of land to produce a lot of vegetables, one would be surprised at the amount of stuff that can be grown in just big pots. The wife has just a small garden that produces way more than we can use ourselves, we have been using the stuff frozen and canned all winter and still have quite a bit left. Al
  20. Top Of The Morning to All, the corned beef is slow cooking in the wood cook stove oven and will be ready for supper. And in case nobody knows Pygmy is no Pygmy, it is just a disguise, he is really a Leprechaun! Al
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