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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. Some interesting stuff can come up on bait-gut piles, I have seen videos of guys placing a pile of fish, jars of peanut butter, dog food, kitchen scraps etc. and have a camera watch over the bait, they get some surprising results. Good luck. Al
  2. On a relatively small amount I would pay out of pocket if you can come up with the cash. Al
  3. Got about 6 inches of fresh snow that has me mildly excited, going to try and make it 3 years in a row with a single shot I think. Time for the TC Encore with the 45-70 barrel to earn it's keep. I will be interested to see how the old 350 gr Barnes pointed soft points perform.
  4. The biggest offenders are the ones who left, you can go back and look through anyone of these shitshows that seem to happen on a regular basis and you will see the same cast of characters involved. It is an embarrassment. Start hitting the ban button and you will see this baloney stop immediately. Al
  5. Hunting overall has changed, I believe that the loss of small game hunting is the biggest single factor in hunting's downturn. When I was a kid everyone hunted and small game season was looked forward to back then the same as Deer hunting season. Put a kid behind a good Beagle running Rabbits or in a good Squirrel woods, in a blind overlooking a good waterfowl pond, whacking woodchucks at long range on a nice summer day, when youngster gets to see plenty game and get to fire their firearms more than one time a season it makes a big difference in the fun factor department. Sitting in a tree stand freezing your ass off all day, day after day is not fun for most newbies and easy to see why hunting is not their cup of tea. Like little league baseball and peewee football start out small, get hooked and grow into it. Al
  6. Always have been pretty much a lone hunter, seeing this snow on the ground gets me excited as it will make for some great still and tracking hunting, an equalizer when it comes to Deer hunting. Al
  7. Nice little thank you gift from this outfit delivered by UPS today. They have been treating me well. Al
  8. airedale


    A little work to produce each cartridge for well under a $1, sure beats what they are going for online for old new stock and mine are better.
  9. airedale


    Here is my first batch of 256 Winchester mags, two loads to start out with, the first is almost a duplication of the old 25-20 Missouri Bullet Company hard cast 85 gr, these have a special coating on them to prevent leading, these should move out at about 1700 fps. I got the load out of my old Lyman manual and it was their accuracy load which by all past experience has been good for me. I hope these shoot good because I bought a bunch of them The second test load of 10 is the Sierra dual purpose 90 gr hp boat tail, it is one of my favorite bullets for both varmints and Deer. They have a bit more octane and should be sailing along at a little over 2000 fps. The twist rate in the 256 barrel may be a problem so I have my fingers crossed on these. Now if the weather cooperates I will hit the range and burn some powder. I really have enjoyed messing with this 256 Al
  10. You know I did not think I would have to read this kind of garbage thread again now that utopia has arisen, but like moths to a flame the malcontents keep popping in chucking cheap shots acting like two year olds. Al
  11. Hey Robby congratulations, nice Buck. Al
  12. Glad you are OK, ground stands for this old geezer. Al
  13. Dedicated cameras seem to have fallen by the wayside in recent years as everyone likes using the camera feature built into their phones, I have to admit they are producing pretty fair photos. My wife's high end Samsung Galaxy takes some great shots. As for myself I still use dedicated cameras for my photography, my phone is used only to talk on. I use mostly a little Panasonic Lumix with 16 mega pixels, made out of aluminum and an auto cover that closes and protects the lens, it has been a great hard use camera that will fit in your pocket or pack. I use it for most of my web work. Almost all the photos I post here have been taken with the Panasonic. I do have a big gun for when I am looking to take the best possible photo, a Cannon SX20, nice for wildlife photography and has a zoom that will get out there for distant shots, a little bulky but manageable. Al
  14. Good luck to all you southern tier hunters, I was a chopping at the bit opening day mad dog for many years before I moved to the Northern zone where I do all of my Deer hunting these days. Should have some snow on the ground which can be a serious difference maker if you know how to use it. Al
  15. Nifty setup Rob, looks good and I like it, I have one of those Lee presses myself, I used it quite a bit for loading large quantities of handgun ammo. I have no problem with the quality of the ammo it loads but for me it is one of those can't teach an old dog new tricks deals. I have been loading so many years one way (single stage Press) my routine is so ingrained in me I kept going back to techniques I know best and use the old single stage Bair Kodiak press. Hope this new fangled powder measure works out better for me LOL. Al
  16. I have zero complaints with the accuracy of my old stuff, my scale is a Lyman made by O'Haus, a 10-10 model I think it is over 50 yrs old, I actually have 3 powder measures and they have always done the job for me. I like using the Lyman measure pictured because for small charges because of it's extreme accuracy, it is the initial setup that makes me nuts, but once I got her set she is dead on. I have an old large capacity Cortland Redding that I use for the large charges and it has done me well. Al
  17. Been measuring and weighing my powder charges with a beam scale and typical drum style powder measures, have zero problem loading larger cases and charges, it is the little light charges along with small cases and large quantities that I do not like messing around with anymore. Decided to try modern and go with an RCBS electronic job and speed things up. It is rated well so I hope I like it. Al
  18. All the malcontents that hated the way this board was being run by the owner and it's political spot left and started their own board, good trade off as far as I am concerned, mostly hunting related posts here now. Everybody is happy now, they don't have to see any politics and we don't have to see their petty back biting, cheap shots and complaining about T shirts along with wading through what some fry and eat every day. Al
  19. airedale


    I got online and researched how to go about forming 256 cases from 357 mag, the folks that have experience with the operation said not to use high heat when annealing the cases as it was not required to get good results. That is why I used a lamp flame instead of a propane torch. I found that it only takes a minute at most to get the 357 case malleable for an easy case form with no splitting. I just set the annealed case in a metal pan to air cool, no quenching. Everything came out just like the experienced guys said. Back when I used to make 25-06 cases from 270 and 30-06 I would set the cases in a shallow pan of water and heat the neck red hot with a torch and then tip them over into the water for a quench. I am guessing because of the small size and thin metal 357 cases do not require the typical annealing procedure which is OK by me. Al
  20. airedale


    Got the ball rolling today, put up a batch of 100 cases and all went pretty well, just two rejects. used the Hornady Unique lube for the case forming, the Corland NY Redding dies performed like a dream and my 50 something year old Bair Kodiak press made the process effortless. I had a bunch of once fired 357 nickle plated cases and some folks mentioned that the nickle may peel when the case is formed but that did not happen. But on the safe side I got a bunch of new brass cases and used those for the most part. I have usable powders but I am going to wait and go with what most recommend (4227) and that will not arrive for a day or two. Al
  21. Something like you posting your non US citizen socialist politics on a USA hunting forum!! Al
  22. Below is a cow decoy mentioned above, there are youtube videos showing guys out west using them, like I said not my cup of tea but they do work.
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