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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by airedale

  1. Pray tell give me your advice on how to go about doing that. I would think that a hunting and outdoor forum would be exactly the place to get the message out of who are with us and who are against!! Al
  2. Had a chance to get my hands on some 22 ammo and purchased a bunch of Browning BPR 22 LR stuff, this ammo pretty much duplicates CCI Velocitors which is substantially more powerful than regular ammo. I have never shot any myself so I was interested to see how it performs, got out one of my best shooters, a Winchester model 52B sporter which has the reputation of being the King of the 22s. This gun is a Japanese reproduction made back in the late 90s I think and the quality in my opinion rivals the original Winchesters, it is one beautiful rifle. I have fooled around quite a bit with various premium hyper velocity ammo, the main complaints you will find is it does not have the gilt edge accuracy of some of the regular standard stuff. I am quite pleased with this Browning ammo and it shoots about the same as the CCI accuracy wise, not the one hole groups of standard velocity but good enough for Squirrels and would be very good for Fox and Chuck within it's range limits say 75 yds for Squirrels and out to a little over 100yds on Chucks. Al
  3. I would be willing to bet there is a lot more here like Grouse than there are for a non citizen socialist as yourself, most here let the political stuff slide and do not get involved and that can be a big problem as a group outdoorsmen and gun owners are way too complacent and need a fire lit under their asses. Al
  4. Thanks so much for the offer but I have plenty for my own use. Ebay would be a good place to unload them, they are getting a pretty good buck for vintage Bear equipment especially good condition razorheads. Al
  5. Enjoyed the video Brian, as the old saying goes variety is the spice of life especially when it comes to hunting. That gully you were standing over with the creek running through looks like great habitat for Grouse and Woodcock. I have had some pretty fair days putting out game walking creeks such as that. Al
  6. I spend a lot of time in the woods early Fall small game hunting, I use that time for checking the Deer situation and their movements, bedding areas and food sources, so I am pretty well set on any plan of attack and where I want to be if I do any Deer hunting. Al
  7. I kept thinking I remember that knucklehead Fetterman who is after a PA senate seat from somewhere in the past, turns out it was the Movie "Battleship"! Looks a lot like one of the invaders to me Al
  8. I was alerted to moisture wicking base wear back when Joe Namath was still playing football, he caused quite the stir by wearing women's pantyhose under his uniform playing games in bleak cold conditions. It was not a stunt and it caught on quickly as being something that was effective. An outfit called Damart came on to the scene outfitting the players with long underwear made from poly and it was a huge success soon spilling over into the hunting wear world. I got some and loved it, I still wear poly today, the military stuff in different weights and dress according to the temps. I still wear Woorich outerwear when it is cold, I have found nothing better. Al
  9. XTP bullets are one of my favorites, if you have a firearm that puts them where you want they will live up to their end of the bargain. They have killed plenty of Deer for me out of handguns, rifles and my old TC Black Diamond, both the 357 and 44 cals have worked well for me. Al
  10. I can see immediately what your problem was, "way too much cotton" I would be sweating bullets just wearing that stuff, throw in a long walk tracking or chasing Beagles on snowshoes hunting Hare I would be sopping wet, a sure fire way to freeze your ass off in cold weather. Rule number one poly, silk or wool for the first layer, wicking moisture away from your skin is key. I spent many years hunting Hare every winter during the coldest months of the year and never got cold wearing the Woolrich PA Tux. Yes they are a little heavy but at 73 years old I still wear wool and can still get around as much as need be. Al
  11. I guess everyone has their own idea of what hunting is, I started hunting at a time before today's fancy designer equipment came into vogue, no cameras, tree stands or hunting shacks with all the comforts of home, most guys did not even use scopes on their firearms. For gear I splurged on Woolrich clothing, wool socks, Bean hunting boots and a hotseat, 60 years later am still basically hunting with the same stuff using the same techniques and still having hunting success. To each their own. Al
  12. I would phrase it as my way of life depends on it and I will be voting! Al
  13. Howard Hill one of the best when it came to traditional archery, purhased his book "Hunting The Hard Way" back when I was a young kid just getting into archery and has influenced my outlook on bow hunting ever since. Al
  14. Watched this video this morning and it is a very good one and gives a pretty accurate analysis of 22 ammo 50 yard performance for accuracy, I have had just about the same results when bench testing the different brands. A big player in the results of such tests is of course the firearm being used. The shooter looks to be using a standard Ruger 10/22, probably the most popular 22 rifle today. They shoot well enough for plinking and most hunting but personally I would not place them in the tack driver class as a good bolt action. Another good point made is how much different the point of impact can be when switching brands and ammo types. A different rifle may give different results so trying several different brands helps giving optimum performance. Al
  15. The ballistic chart below covers pretty much most of what is available ammunition wise. There is quite a bit of difference between Standard-Match ammo, High Velocity and Hyper Velocity in both trajectory and energy. For me as I posted earlier standard velocity is pretty much all that is needed for Squirrels, I go with the high velocity stuff when hunting large small game like Woodchucks, Coons and the occasional Fox and even Coyote if the range is short. The CCI Stinger is my favorite ammo for the larger animals with the Velocitor a close second, I can hear a clear audible plop when it smacks a Woodchuck or Fox. It's main drawback is on Squirrels it makes a mess and it does not group well in all rifles. Al
  16. I have one of the 452s in what was called the Lux model, pictured below it is a good shooter to be sure. I like the 452 models the best personally. Just want to mention ammo, I have found the Federal auto match stuff to be very accurate in just about everything I have tried it in, works great for Squirrels and target shooting. The good thing about it is that many stores have it in stock and it does not have a premium price. Congrats on the Kimber, they are good ones. Al
  17. It is a 455 model, the 455s were a transition model made for a short time while CZ changed from 452s and 455s to production of their current 457s that are completely different rifles. Currently I think the CZs are "thee" best buy when it comes to new bolt action rimfire rifles, they pretty much have it all ,price, decent looks, quality materials and they are shooters. Al
  18. Now this a subject that would take a book to cover and to cover thoroughly it would be of many pages. Squirrels rank right at the top for me as one of my favorite animals to hunt. Being serious I am not talking about bird feeder squirrels, all the things that go into the making of a good hunter are needed for squirrels such as finding habitat, food sources, stealth, concealment and precision marksmanship. In a nutshell, early season when the leaves are on and shooting distances fairly short I like using a good quality 22 rifle, a medium powered scope with an adjustable objective for parallax mitigation firing standard velocity or even match ammo which almost always gives me my best groups and has more than enough pop to kill Squirrels. I sight in dead on at fifty yards and my serious hunting rifles will print groups that are ragged holes. Later in the season when the leaves are off and the shots a bit longer I use a couple of specialized rifles that group very well with hyper velocity ammunition like Stingers, Yellowjackets and Velocitors, this ammo shoots fairly flat and makes for pretty easy shots out to seventy five yards and a little beyond. These rifles are sighted dead on at seventy five yards. When it comes to Squirrel guns I spare no expense, for my way of thinking my favorite type hunting should be done with the best equipment I can afford. Al
  19. Blue Jays and barking Squirrels, usually means something is on the prowl. Al
  20. One night Coonhunting with my brother we walking in some thick stuff to where my two hounds were treeing hard and loud, we both were wearing Coonhunting caplights which are very bright. About thirty yards from where the dogs were blowing the top of that tree out with their barking I spot the glow of eyes. I always carry a small pair of binoculars for spotting hard to find Coons in the tree tops, so I take a look at those eyes and there lays a big doe chewing her cud. I said to my brother there must be something wrong with her laying that close to the dogs with all the commotion and us added in with those bright lights. So we take a walk over to have a look see and at about fifteen yards she gets up blows and takes off like a bat out of Hell, go figure! Al
  21. My dogs will kill them if they get the chance, my old Den Terrier Scruffy pictured below took out a black colored snake that looks a lot like the one above. Al
  22. I have become quite fond of the small clip on cap brim led lights, a good quality model works great for all sorts of situations that can pop up where a light is needed. I like being prepared. Al
  23. Ben Pearson archery equipment was right up there with any top of the line stuff back in the day. Al
  24. Hey Brian, nice video, I enjoyed watching it. Love all the old traditional equipment you use. While not as fanatical as I once was I still get out a few days and hunt with my old Bear recurve, still hunt mostly doing my best imitation of an Indian, have a 20 yard range limit so I do not get many good shots but I see Deer and it develops woodsmanship, the main thing is I enjoy myself. Good luck to you this season. Al
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