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About BKhunter

  • Birthday 11/10/1983

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  • Location
    Massapequa, NY

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    Matthews Chill
  • HuntingNY.com

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  1. I didn't but not a bad idea. Any specific companies you know of?
  2. Would you all recommend the metal buildings over say doing the Amish barns?
  3. Hey All, Does anyone have recommendations for companies for prefab metal pole barns? Was looking at buying land and starting with that with the possibility of taking a section for a small bunk area. Want to store ATV, tractor and boat in there and also have a butchering station for deer so think something somewhat large. Was curious if anyone did this before. Thanks in advance. BK
  4. Hey All, Any chance any of you guys have and use a Kifaru Shape Charge to pack in your gear and climbing sticks? Been looking at this pack and think it may be a good solution for my saddle setup as my other pack is too bulky up on the tree. Thanks in advance! BK
  5. Thanks all! Been quiet the past few months since we had a newborn join the family in September. Now that we are getting a rhythm down hope to be back on more often! Hope everyone had a good season!
  6. ah I think I bought it 3-4 seasons ago so I may not be part of that.
  7. How are you guys getting the free DMP, I feel like they charge me for it each year when I enter my choices even though I have the lifetime.
  8. Ordered my lifetime a few years back and it was the best decision I made. So nice to not have to think about it plus it will pay for itself in the long run.
  9. I already have a flask of some 128 proof bookers packed.
  10. Yea I am kinda winging it. First time fly fishing so have my set up ready and going to learn. May want to break up the day a little and hike or just relax at camp. Should be fun regardless.
  11. Yes was going to give a go at trout.....this was helpful thank you!
  12. Hey All, How do you all pack in you back country fly fishing gear, and what do you consider must haves to bring. Planning a camping trip and bringing my fly rod, but don't want to bring in overkill. What case/tube do you use to bring in your gear with? Thanks in advance. BK
  13. Most likely Catskills as I think that is closer then the ADK. I've done a weekend trip up there and it's a pretty far drive so trying to stay within 2 hrs of the city. I know it's not as nice and more crowded but my time is limited.
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