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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. I would bet a weeks salary that the odds of being a victim of a sever violent crime are higher than being a victim in a mass shooting or a shooting at all.
  2. Having a gun on you doesn't change what choice you can make. You have a boot gun...don't go for it. hand over your wallet. But what are your options taking that same walk and they rob you. you give up the wallet and this time you are with your wife and son. What option do you have if they decide that they don't want to stop at robbery. Perhaps they decide to force themselves on your wife, or decide that no witnesses should be left. what are your options then? One, become a statistic.
  3. Yeah, lets stop them from further ruining society and having more kids. After all they have proven they can't do it correctly, right? I will add we have a responsibility as gun owners to limit access to those they could hurt. we have plenty of laws on the books currently to prosecute them. Do we really need more laws? by the time it is enforced the horse is out of the barn anyway
  4. It blows my mind the guys on here that are so fond of bending over and grabbing their ankles. I have said it before and you would think even you guys should support this. If there is all this public support for the Anti's position and we need more laws to make the problems of the world go away, then CHANGE THE CONSTITUTION!!!! There is a process, use it.
  5. And it makes no sense at all that you can not recognize that they have no intention of ever stopping until they get them all (from law abiding folks anyway) and you hit it on the head. Country wide laws would only be a start. Thinking anything else is naive. how much more ammo do you need if three rounds of 00 Buck is just shy of a dreaded high capacity magazine? If you read the description of what took place, him shooting at some groups huddled together how can you say that? Think of a classroom size and this account of what took place and see if you still hold the AR was more effective. You ever use or see 00 at a classroom distance? http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/2012/12/new_grisly_timeline_of_events.html
  6. So that would be the end of it? no more laws after that? ....................Didn't think so. about 15 years ago my daughter was 5. I sent her to a closet to retrieve a new deck of cards so we could play a game. (we didn't have a full deck from her previous activities..lol). it had to be 10 minutes and she had not returned. I walked up into the bedroom she was standing there just staring into the closet. A buddy had given me an old broken percussion side by side shotgun that was broken in half just in front of the hammers. I was going to restore it for a visual art piece for above the fireplace. Not a functioning one. I asked here what was taking so long and she said " the gun is on top of the cards and I cant touch them". Wonder why that was? The ones with kids touching and using guns unauthorized are doing a crap job parenting in my opinion. Maybe we should be limiting them from having kids.
  7. There is where you are wrong. Defenseless targets in a situation like a school. we should count our lucky stars that those untrained shooters didn't wander in with semi or pump shotguns loaded with 00 Buck. The current death count would have paled in comparison. That ties pretty much into my issue with the whole "gun Control" agenda. If we could take every evil black gun and make them disappear from the public's hands, would anything change? Honestly? I don't believe so. Because the next one would be using that semi or pump shotgun or the Remington 7400. As is PROVEN by their previous actions what is the next step of the Anti's? That is why those in favor of guns have taken such a hard line stance and dug in. There is an end game from the Anti's. they have proven that an incremental approach is fine with them and have shown they have no intention of slowing or stopping.
  8. Where on earth has anyone condoned selling to minors? it currently IS illegal to do so.
  9. I tried every setting on the thing, including the one labeled "slugs" and it is horrible.
  10. I have an 11-48 in 16 ga. with one on it. Patterns well enough for small game and is really good with slugs if you are shooting around corners..lol
  11. It is in the other thread. http://huntingny.com/forums/topic/27422-why-tim-mcgraw-sandy-hook-promise-are-wrong/page-1#entry377123
  12. I think in genera,l neighborhoods or groups hold a cautious eye to anyone that is new and unfamiliar to them. 2 million years of genetic encoding is difficult to overcome.
  13. You said you have spent all this time in the cities. Difficult can't even be used when describing a street buy. I have seen it happen in both those CT cities I mentioned. My point has been and remains. The only burden law abiding and does nothing to stop the evil person bent on doing evil things.
  14. But you can't see that they don't stop anything. Look at Lanza. He was actually denied for a purchase if I recall correctly. Mom didn't store properly but Let's for a minute say she did. What do you think his next move would have been? Every take a stroll around New Haven or Waterbury? I am betting anyone on here could put their hands on a gun in the matter of just a couple hours.
  15. And I guess what really pisses me off is that the same douchebags pushing gun control and making law abiding folks easier targets are the ones that don't have the gonads to take on the really issues behind the violence. Quit handling these criminals with silk gloves. stiffen the penalties to where they really mean something. Start frying them on a regular basis and see what happens. Hell use it as a fund raiser and I will buy a lottery ticket to pull the switch. Start holding these halfwit parents, letting their kids run amuck, criminally responsible. And give the parents back authority to discipline their kids. Dr Spock was the worst thing to happen to the human race. "Don't spank little Joey, it will scar his sensitive self image". Raising a nation full self entitled little wimps that cant cope when things don't go their way. Some of the crap that gets tagged with "Mental illness' now a days and start cramming pills, when a lot of them probably would have benefits from a swift and firm size 12
  16. But the laws aren't going to stop anyone "and we ALL know it". That is the entire point. It is feel good hogwash that only impact the law abiding.
  17. Belo and Steve. Do you guys lock you homes and cars or just put up a sign that says "Private Property, Keep Out"?
  18. Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Didn't take very much effort for him. Should we ban pressure cookers too? It blows my mind that you guys think a law is gonna make things all better.
  19. And yet again, you prove that YOU are the problem. Passing all the gun control you want wont do squat to avoid the latter. You don't have to live in a big city or be Mr. Big World Traveler and Mr. Culture to see that. You just need to have a basic understanding that bad people with a purpose to do bad things, will. Laws won't stop them. What law would have stopped Sandy Hook? Aurora? Columbine? Fort Hood? Virginia Tech? Look at the Webster Christmas Eve Shooting. We had laws that he couldn't own a gun. We had laws against straw purchasing a gun for him. We had laws against shooting and even killing another person in the manner he did. Even have laws against Arson. How did those laws stop him?
  20. I guess in all fairness, we cant say "all of any group are good" just as "all of any group are bad" is false logic. (Unless we are talking bout Liberals then the latter is true)
  21. Why do you keep asking? Do you think everyone that wears a turban is evil? Really gotta get over some of your hang ups
  22. I don't think buying into and perpetuating all the myths around gun ownership will help. Allowing that has gotten us to where we are today. I believe it takes education and action to turn this around and shrugging your shoulders and saying "oh well, it is what it is" does nothing but let us slide further down the rabbit hole. So my view is get active and change it back. as far as the turban. Is it a camouflage turban?
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