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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. That makes nice little work bench anvils. I have a 12" piece I use to use for a boat anchor.
  2. Title about says it all. Looking to start a new hobby and don't want to break the bank. PM me if you have one and are interested in selling it.
  3. I agree. my group of 4 take between 11 and 14. We could do more in most years if we had tags, and would be willing to do it. I wish they would run it like 8C rather than having to wait until the second lottery to get more. I use my initial lottery picks down at hunting camp. If I didn't have to wait until the later draw I would be able to fill more during bow.
  4. Biggest issue with the current law is the minimum fine is so minimal. The judges have the authority to go to minimum. and that may or may not include loss of license. Look at a trespassing violation. $0 minimum fine. $250 max. BUT they get their court fees. The one nice thing these bills do it actually set a minimum. That can't be side stepped.
  5. I think the biggest help we can be is to voice support so it DOES get to the point of a vote. I agree it will be hard for a Rep to justify voting against this.
  6. I will still probably hunt at home, 8H for things like a quick after work sit. but for a day or full weekend I will likely be in 8M or 7R.
  7. I know it is too much change at one time but if we were already at a one buck rule in the state, think about a bonus buck after checking in "X' number of does. Again, these are tough areas because of access, but giving those that CAN the ability and incentive to take the deer may get it done. I think there are more options out there than the bow season one. mathematically it just can't produce the take they are looking for.
  8. In reality they will never meet the "goals" in these areas unless they address the access issues that NYAntler eluded to. More permits and pushing the burden on the least effective tool in the hunters arsenal (bow season) won't do it. They could probably try an avenue like they use in archery only area like 8C, (keep checking in does and keep getting permits). It may not be popular but the best weapon to do this with is the firearm. I would rather see them take the first week of gun and make it antlerless only in the targeted WMU's than do it in the bow season. The harvest numbers just aren't there in bow season. This is set up for failure.
  9. Let's not play the part where we only use part of a quote. "A shameless plug here but my involvement in the QDMA has opened my eyes to what I thought I knew and how I went about thing along this line. I know it is tough to build interest in managing a property if you don't own it, but if we all took matters into our own hands with some good boots on the ground knowledge of that property we can do what DEC can't or won't. manage the take for the property. not seeing deer with good habitat, don't fill them. don't have enough tags to remove the deer your census shows, invite a youth or a vet or a couple buddies in for a doe hunt." in the context I was using it I was speaking specifically of your specific properties. I in now way meant that for a cure for state wide. So better to do nothing if we see a better option for the specific lands we hunt? You may not be able to multi task Doc, but taking personal responsibility for the land you hunt AND being involved in trying to correct what we see are issues with the Government and the DEC is something I think we all should be doing.
  10. I guess our definitions of insignificant must be different. Could you do me a favor Doc? Could you point me to the post where I or anyone suggested that Co-ops should be the focus of our efforts while not holding DEC's feet to the fire on the state wide plan? I must have missed that one or misspoke myself. I would like to correct that.
  11. And my point was that individual or collective effort is not as insignificant as you make it out to be. I am all for pushing DEC in any way we can but I am not in face of sitting by and waiting on government to tell me what the right thing to do is One point I didn't make in that last post was that this isn't a solid block of property. So it terms of doe harvest the area within the co-ops draw and influence is higher than the percentage would indicate.
  12. "We’re just missing pieces of the puzzle, every little piece just adds more information for our understanding,” Thompson said" if they were playing around with that thing in the museum and it went off, "little pieces" would have been about right.
  13. Have you sent letters or emails in in support of these two bills?
  14. If you compare just to organized Co-op's of over 22,457, non-contiguous, acres to the total area of Yate county (240,640 acres) that is 9.3% in Co-op compared to Yates County land mass (216,320 acres) it is 10.4% The Co-ops only exist in 7 of the 9 townships in Yates. Comparing to the total land mass in just those 9 townships (180,320 acres), That is 12.5 in Co-op These totals do not take into consideration and hard structures or pavements. The available habitat totals in the county and the 7 townships would be less (so % would actually be higher)
  15. I gotta look up the Co-op in Yates County. It will really surprise you the percentage of Yates that is in active co-op
  16. The DEC has no power to make ANY changes to the poaching laws. it is Legislative NOT a regulation.
  17. You may very well be right, Doc. The only thing I can be sure of anymore is that I know I will be out there, in whatever season, with whatever weapon, whatever bag limits and enjoying it as always. It would make me very sad to see that "quiet" kind of hunting fall to the wayside, but I would still be out there.
  18. The early ML season was discussed in the last 5 year report and the last survey they did, I believe. It was discussed as an early, antlerless only and only in areas with over population. Where are you seeing or hearing otherwise?
  19. I have probably donated a three dozen deer anyway and have never had to pay a cent. Where are you guys taking them that you are paying?
  20. I totally agree with what you are saying about pushing them for a more real and meaningful change to how they do business. My point was not to sit idly buy. Deal with what we, as individuals, can implement while we push for something better. I see so much tossing of the hands up in the air with frustration and voicing it. I wish as much effort was put forth in trying to change things. I read these threads and wonder how many come into an arena like this and bitch but never spend the effort to even respond to public comment periods, contact their Rep.'s or even vote.
  21. Specifically DDP's is what I meant but also runs into DMAP's. I understand how you guys use them but I know of more that DON'T use them the right way. And if they don't want to allow access then let them have every green leaf eaten on their place. When their property is decimated then the deer will move to an area that maybe they can be hunted. There is no obligation to shore up their business by issuing these permits. Kind of like drug testing welfare. you are under no requirement to to it but then suffer the consequences.
  22. I'd buy a 9 day season in areas without population issues. Even a 9 day buck season in high pop areas with the rest of the normal duration as doe only. Tie it with a one buck per hunter change
  23. One week gun season in areas where the population is too high? Bow hunters have shown that they can't get it done in those areas. The gun season accounts for the vast majority of harvest.
  24. Ever see that type of "correction" first hand? It isn't pretty.
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