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Culvercreek hunt club

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Everything posted by Culvercreek hunt club

  1. about the Vice Chairman of the group http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/world/newtown-activists-trying-to-change-american-views-on-gun-control/article15943231/?page=all They are avoiding the normal words or terms but the underlying message is the same. Suzy Hayman DeYoung, co-founder of Sandy Hook Promise “I’ve seen the progress that we’ve made in one year. I’ve met the most unbelievably courageous and resilient and persistent people. I know we’re on the right side of history… Americans’ eyes are being opened. It might take a little time, but we are moving forward.” She is a contributor and blogger on the Huffington post. Read a few of er posts and you tell me what you think this group is about then.
  2. Our Mission 1) Protect children from gun violence so no other parent experiences the loss of their child by engaging and empowering parents and communities with targeted prevention programs in the areas of mental wellness early-identification & intervention, social & emotional development and firearm safety & security.
  3. We do and never have and issue. It is especially OK if you are doing a cured sausage or one that is smoked. But our Italian is refrozen with no issues. It is ground as partial frozen, our Meat grinder has horse power about equal to a V8..lol. It sure works better that way. the first batch f sausage we make on that day is the Italian and is sealed and back in freezer in about an hour from when we start. For the Italian the way we form it a seal it, once it is thawed we simple cut the flat package into quarters and you don't even have to form patties. They are done for you. Then it is easy to use in things like sauce, chili and other recipes. butchering and doing sausage in one sitting.....can't believe you didn't have to make a trip to the chiropractor...lol. My old back couldn't take tat in one step
  4. The stuff you browned was frozen and then thawed though. right? I have even had the issue with beef. You can really cut down on that by heating the pan prior to adding the meat. We cut our up right away in most cases. I am NOT a fan of aging. If you ever saw fillet minion aging and that nasty green gunk on it...nope not of me...lol. Maybe we avoid some of the moisture issues because we just chunk up and vacuum seal the chunks in large portions (10 # or more) and freeze it. Then our sausage is made in February or March. There is liquid in the package when thawed but not too much. We drain it off and grind and have to add water to our recipes to get it to flow nicely in the stuffer. Never a wet sausage, even our uncured Italian. I have to admit that most of our Italian goes bulk into vacuum bags in 1# packages. then pressed into a flat rectangle about 1/2" thick after sealing. We like patties better than links because the cheese, onions and peppers stay on a hamburger style bun better than a hotdog style bun.
  5. sorry for so many questions but it can be so many things. is it the casing or the meat itself that you expect to snap more? I suggest using the coarsest grinder plate you have. make sure the knives and plate are sharp and don't run it through twice. start on very high heat and then when the color is right move them to a low heat area or even indirect heat. I am really having a hard time imagining it is a "too much blood" issue. is the inside of the sausage soaking wet after cooking? and are you adding pork butt of fat to the recipe?
  6. many of the timber plans are recommending leaving the tops in place (especially in areas with high deer populations) to give any seedlings a bit of protection and screening from browsing.
  7. Are you using fresh or frozen venison? I find it hard to believe it is the extra moisture from the "blood" because about every recipe I see calls for adding moisture in one form or another. Can you explain what casing, what the recipe and process is that you are using?
  8. what type ot "snap" are you looking for?
  9. I drilled Grandpa's taps with an old brace and bit. couple 5 gallon buckets and he was off.
  10. Taps are $1 to $3 each. or less I bet you have about everything else If you wanted to step it up a notch a Hygrometer is about $30 and a good Thermometer about $20. nice but not needed for small batch. A turkey Fryer helps but My Grandfather always did his on an outdoor wood fire and finished on the stove. drill bits- you got 'em buckets- you got 'em pans- you got 'em stove top- you got 'em
  11. Based on how hard he negatively rated the Northern states because of the cold and snow, I wonder if the author is maybe from a warmer climate and a wuss.
  12. I think if most of us had this happen at night within 500' of our house, we all would. Never know who is out there or what they are capable of.
  13. Not trying to drum up sympathy, Doc. Hate poachers. Was just throwing a one scenario to a comment that said there couldn't be one. I do know of people that did it to feed their families. Was talked about a lot up around the Sacandaga Reservoir area and north. we would hear shots about every night when I worked a job down in backwoods WV too. Down there if it was done and the people doing it didn't run their mouths about it, LEO's turned a blind eye. Heck when we did a survey a few months back I was blown away that the majority of respondents were satisfied with current poaching laws and enforcement and didn't see a need for a change. I would have never bet on that result in a million years.
  14. Agree 100%. damned poor decision all the way around.
  15. I am in no way making excuses and I think this sucks. I have been around areas of the state and country that this happens pretty frequently. sometimes hunger can be a big motivator. I think a job or another job is a better option. If we knew this guy worked two jobs and had 3 hungry little kids at home would our opinion change?
  16. Oh come on cupcake, get a thicker skin. Your logic and argument holds no merit so you now want the Mods to fight you battles for you? Personal attacks? Obviously we hold different definitions of what an attack is. Your belief of appeasement to the left and antis would probably fall closer to the category of an attack (or at least capitulation). It is a "your with us or you are against us" proposition.
  17. It makes it so much easier. I am luck enough to have a foodsaver vacuum sealer that has the marinating hose and I bought the canisters and marinating tub for it. I can equal 24 hours of soaking in about 6-8 hours. (eyes out at the garage sales if you happen by one. I see them there a lot).
  18. I have had it happen too. Damned silly muzzle breaks on a 5.56...lol. I solved it once by just pulling out my 308 win pistol, that noise and the fact I was placing 3" groups at 200 and they couldn't hit a 2' diameter target made them leave. In fairness though I have had guys with their 10-22's toss hot brass on my before too. Point of correction. you meant semi automatic?
  19. But wasn't that what YOU just brought up that I commented to?
  20. So in the context of this thread, are you saying that hunting with an AR because of how it looks is irresponsible and we should come down on those that hunt with one? Or is it all semi's that you feel are irresponsible?
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