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Hunting New York - NY Hunting, Deer, Bow Hunting, Fishing, Trapping, Predator News and Forums

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Everything posted by First-light

  1. It was the friday before gun season. I was bow hunting and a huge buck comes following some does. He is about 40 yards out just standing there. It was just about 4:00 the time when the jerk offs get to camp and site in. My neighbor starts doing this round after round not more than 300 yards away. That buck stood stood in one spot not moving. He flicked his tail at some point and walked in the direction of the gun fire. I don't think they are as cagy as we think.
  2. Not into shooting button bucks or small does. Wolc it is interesting about what you said about the fat on does. Bucks are running off that reserve. Going to ask my processor about that.
  3. Well I took a look this morning and the babies were gone. Removed the nest and put duct tape around the holes.
  4. I'll take a mature doe any day. They are sometrimes hard to hunt.
  5. OMG you're killing me!!!!!!! so funny! But I'll pass
  6. Last year I had a nest in the attic and they were a pain to get rid of. I got to camp and noticed the top of the propane tank has a nest in it. I went to remove it and found 4 babies almost ready to open eyes. I put it all back together and walked away. No way was I going to kill them. My question to the forum is can I move the nest about 10 yards tob placed behind my wood shed. Will she find the babies? Thanks old softie here!
  7. I got my license today all good. My daughters was missing all the carcass tags. Guess I'll have to cal DEC.
  8. Glad you are ok. A good reminder for all of us.
  9. Back in the day corn cob was used to wipe your ass!
  10. Took a while but they got through the online course. My 16 year old drew two doe permits, go figure!
  11. Hope he feels better soon!
  12. Wen to my Sister's house in Northport to help her out and these two boys met me in the backyard. That one buck has stickers everywhere. He is also limping on his back leg.
  13. I'm still in shock about her death. I didn't tell you guys that she would help me butcher my deer I brought home from the Finger Lakes when I was 20 something. This was on Long Island! For a few years we would bring them down and skin them quarter and into the kitchen they went. Mom would run the grinder. She was the best! xxoo
  14. Im thankful that we moved her into hospice at assisted living. After that it was ok to visit and sleep over. I doubled up with my sister and did every other day. For the last three weeks I had such a great time with her. Many other families lost their loved ones in the hospital never seeing them . I was lucky. You guys would of loved her.
  15. Mom passed peacefully last night at 12:30. I was by her side with my sister. 6 kids 12 Grandchildren and 9 Great Grandchildren. The most precious person in my life next to my children. You will be missed Mom. xxoo
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