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Everything posted by First-light

  1. First of all where most of us live it won't happen. Second who here has killed a person in combat? Do you know what it's like to kill someone? I live in a highly populated area and protests have been going on. They so far have been peaceful. CNN, FOX are not out in the burbs coving this stuff so the bad eggs aren't coming. The big show is the cities God Bless those people.
  2. Sounds good! Lost 22 lbs everyone gained! I'm just glad I'm done with that rat race in the city. I really feel for all of you.....I would not like to live city employment in the future.
  3. I hope you dont get it. When you headed back yo the City? lol
  4. So I have been in Steuben county for three days. The only difference I have seen from Long Island is when going into a store I notice about half the patrons not wearing masks. Down on LI you have to wear a mask to get in. The sign on Tractor Suppy only talked about social distancing no masks.
  5. Will do. Thinking about you this weekend it will be hard.
  6. I was young and dumb at one time. Had a gun rack in the back window of my Ford F150. Now this goes back 35 years. I'm headed up to our camp in Roscoe with my girlfriend. I have two shotguns in the rack on the Long Island Expressway. You can see the guns clear as day. I'm about to get to the NYC limits and a guy is flashing his lights at me. He pulls up along the side and yells to us I'm a off duty cop and they aint going to take to kindly going through the city with those guns in the window. I thanked him pulled over and put them behind the seat. Never did that again! lol
  7. My Mom came home today, what a blessing!
  8. https://www.cnn.com/2020/05/17/us/hope-solo-dog-shot-trnd/index.html So I see her dog was shot, that sucks. They bought their sixty acres so the dogs can run free. I think they have 5 Dobies. It's just a train wreck if you ask me. I would like to hear the other side of the story. Dog doesn't deserve to be shot but the owners need to be fined. It would be nice to hear the other side but it wasn't reported.
  9. I'm headed to camp also this weekend. Mac will be with me and my daughter. His resting place for sure. Along with us will be Oakley my new pup. He doesn't take Mac's place but just adds to the wonderful feeling of having a canine as your best friend! Good luck this weekend it was tough for me back at camp for the first time without Mac. Here is a pict of Oak!
  10. Drop dead gorgeous buck! Not a bad mount either! lol great job
  11. My mom will be released next Tuesday. Without the help of the assisted living home, Stonybrook hospital and Gurwin rehab she would not of made it. She also is very strong and wasn't willing to give up! Its been over 50 days without seeing her.
  12. Sorry for your loss. I lost mine in December 2019. 14 years, it only took me a month or so to know I needed a new dog in the house. It was a blessing. You will get there at one point.
  13. Enjoy the day Mom's! You deserve it!
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