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    Tug Hill Region

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    6G, 6K, 6C, 6J

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  1. Black River. Hindsight is 20/20, guess I should have waited a few hours but figured 1 would be plenty the way she was bleeding. Pretty sad sight watching her float away and nothing I can do about it.
  2. I'm sick to my stomach over this. Shot a doe with a muzzleloader, lots of blood and bubbles. Back out and gave her an hour. Came back and tracked her. She was barely alive but got up stumbling and falling. Doesn't she find her way to the one open drop off to a river and flops down on her side. I'm standing there watching her chest going up and down and she flops one more time and rolls into the river and I watch her float away with her head barely above the surface. Worst part, my 6 year old was with me and he felt absolutely awful.
  3. I feel your pain. I hunt my parents 35 acre lot a few times a year. Neighbor has 1.5 acres. Found a tree stand 50 ft on our side this year with scent wicks from last season hung all over. Found out he shot a nice 8 we had on camera. This year he built a big enclosed treestand 50 ft from the road overlooking a huge bait pile, keep in mind no where is he less than 200 feet from a residence. A week after finding last years stand we found a huge pile of corn and apples on our land with a camera over it. We called DEC and I am assuming he talked to the guy because the bait piles and camera disappeared. The treestand also disappeared but ended up right on the line facing our property. The sad part about all of this is if he had asked permission my dad would have granted it. Some people are just idiots.
  4. Another hunter killed in Sandy Creek http://www.newzjunky.com/police2016/coplog161125sp.htm
  5. Scrapes just popping up in 6G and 6J. Not much for chasing going on.
  6. jks84

    Hunting in 6K

    Daveboone, whereabouts on Tug Hill do you hunt?
  7. I hunt in Copenhagen in 6G. Buck activity picking up for sure. New bucks on camera and scrape lines and rubs popping up.
  8. 1 Buck - muzzleloader 6C 1 Doe - rifle 6G
  9. I was turkey hunting with my nephew last fall when we hear all heck breaking loose in the brush in front of us. We had no idea what was coming. All of the sudden out of the brush comes beatuiful 8 point with a spike trailing it. They casually walked by us, maybe 15 ft. away and never had a clue we were there. My nephew was 12 and it was definitely something he will always remember.
  10. I have a nikon prostaff I bought about 5 years back and it has been an awesome scope. Well worth the money.
  11. Awesome buck and even better story! Congrats!
  12. Nolt's Custom Meat Cutting in Lowville is excellent! They will cut it and process it any way you want and vaccum seal everything. About 1/2 hour from Watertown.
  13. I shot a buck last year, heart shot, that did the same thing. It reared up on its back legs and fell over backwards.
  14. 6J, 6C, and 6G. I hung 6G mostly, Copenhagen area.
  15. My father in law shot a buck about 3 years ago that had a broadhead in it, a slug in its hind leg, and an open wound through the bottom of its belly that started to heal up. His first shot hit it in the neck and he followed up with a shot behind the shoulder. In total the deer had a broadhead and 4 bullet wounds!
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