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Everything posted by wooffer

  1. It doesn't , I thought the thread headline " President's Hit Squad strikes again!" was about the Presidents advisors and cabinet members. Particularly his financial advisors.
  2. How was Barack sworn in if he doesn't believe in God or the bible? Did he use the Koran? I am not trying to be sarcastic, I am serious. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/obama-leaves-god-out-of-thanksgiving-address.html
  3. I think this the article that the original post referred to. No mention of God or a particular religion. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/federal-judge-says-prayer-banner-must-be-removed.html
  4. The Muslims know what this country is coming to. They have a plan all alid out and will use our own laws against us. While everyone is busy arguing who is left and whose is right they are using our legal system to break down our nation and dictate policy to us. Here are just two examples. http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/muslims-want-catholic-school-to-provide-room-without-crosses.html http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/muslims-atheists-pressure-military-to-remove-christian-speaker.html
  5. You guys miss what is going on, laws are supposed to be promulgated. The ever changing laws of NYC are the equivalent of a speed trap. It is easy to see why this nation is slipping away from it's citizens and further into the governments hands.
  6. The peasants (citizens) must remember our congressional royalty will not stand for holding them to the ethics and standards of the common man. This is old news, not sure if Holder ever pursued this matter. I doubt it.
  7. Very well stated. I actually thought this thread was about Barack's financial policy in regards to what he is doing to our children with his borrowing. His quote, "The problem is that the way Bush has done it in the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion from the first 42 presidents. No. 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome. So we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man woman and child. That's irresponsible, that's unpatriotic," he said. Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/30/as-debt-ceiling-skyrockets-obama-no-longer-calling-bush-increases-unpatriotic/#ixzz1kz92CjKK The attached link includes a video so the libs on here don't claim barack didn't say it.
  8. Using the president's words himself only point out how stupid todays population is, At the time, Obama called raising the debt limit "a sign of leadership failure." Out on the campaign trail in July 2008, he suggested the move was downright un-American. "The problem is that the way Bush has done it in the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children, driving up our national debt from $5 trillion from the first 42 presidents. No. 43 added $4 trillion by his lonesome. So we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back. $30,000 for every man woman and child. That's irresponsible, that's unpatriotic," Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/01/30/as-debt-ceiling-skyrockets-obama-no-longer-calling-bush-increases-unpatriotic/#ixzz1kymAtFB8 People voted him in for the exact opposite of what he prmised and is doing. You could only pull this one off on a nation of idiots.
  9. Here is sad article of imposing Sharia law upon his family. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2012/01/29/jury-finds-afghan-family-guilty-in-honor-killings/
  10. I wish we had cops like this in NY. I guess the politician attcking the Sheriff forgot that gun owners created this nation and wanted to make sure that we don't lose the right to defend ourselves. http://www.nraila.org/Legislation/Federal/Read.aspx?id=7306
  11. What's creeped me out was that I often hear about the strife around the planet and just thought it was a civil war over a power grab. Then I watched other documentaries such as on Sudan and found out they were based on religion, or more accurately the removal on non-muslims (particularly Christians).
  12. I was told by a friend who is on the job about trouble that NYPD Commisioner Kelly has gotten into for showing the documentary "The Third Jihad" to NY Police officers during training. http://www.newsday.c...ntary-1.3485417 So I did a quick search and found a shortened version on the internet. http://video.google....522917532871834# What are your opinions on this? This may be a novel idea but don't just post single word responses. Post something with factual content along with your comment. Like " I agree because of ____________" or I disagree because of__________". Also commit to watching the whole video before commenting either way.
  13. Dave you took the words out my mouth, but now I find myself carefully typing so I don't offend anyone. I guess the limited freedom of speech prevalent in society is now going to be required here.
  14. Well said, society has always had varying and diverse beliefs and attitudes, but we would hear each other out. It seems the norm now to simply attack someone for their opinion/beliefs rather than rebutt and offer an opposing opinion and start an honest debate.
  15. Interesting, I would have thought they would avoid another dead deer. Skillet may be right, that deer might be salvaging some un-digested dinner.
  16. You're doing great, keep showing us what a hate filled lefty you are. Assign your prejudices to others, very typical. Oh yes, don't disagree with the President because then you are a racist. I couldn't stand Bush so I guess that means what??
  17. If you want to see true you can look in a mirror. I feel sorry for you, I don't hate you or anybody.
  18. I am sorry Do, I thought this was a "forum". I didn't realize it was your personal pissing board and we are only allowed to express opionions that are in total agreement with you. I must have missed your name at the top of the web address. Keep up your argument though, it only shows what you are about.
  19. "shut up", how profound, what a great argument you make. You don't have a valid defense to my comments or can't understand them so you lash out and vilify them. The only thing simple here is your thought process or lack thereof. Get back to wackin your dough, and save us the time of reading your useless posts.
  20. Sorry you can't read clown, I stated "- 1%". The "-" denotes a negative, meaning the -1% at the bottom of society, You'll learn this when you start taking math classes. Go back to playing with your crayons. They need more "Occupy" posters.
  21. Why don't you read the title of the thread before you make your comments. The thread is incorrectly titled the "Presidents" navy seals. We already have others here to make inane comments. Your work is takin care of.
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