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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Doc, I never attacked those who respond to my posts, only those who sink to low levels to post insults to my posts. You never seem to understand what I mean in my posts. As far as a nation of laws go, I say again, if the laws are constitutional, I will support them. If they are unconstitutional, I will not. I took an oath to defend and uphold the constitution, and that is exactly what I intend to do. And many of my peers are of like mind. Would you expect me to support a law that passed saying, "In order to prevent rapes, all American males must have their penis removed."? How about, "All Jews are to be rounded up and sent off to prison camps."? That law was actually enforced by LEO's in a certain country once upon a time. I would never have gone along with that, but I hear people saying they would always follow the law, until they could work within the system to change it. How did that strategy work out for those people? It's not legal to pass a law that isn't constitutional. But our legal system has become an obstacle to removing bad laws that trample lives, and the government is using that legal system to trample your rights. That is where the law is being broken. I can't make it any plainer than that. I'm flabbergasted folks don't understand this or see when their rights are being violated by "laws". Our public education system has done it's job over the last 50 years. Americans have learned what to think, not how to think.
  2. Greybeard, the government that existed in the US in the 50's and 60's is not the same one we have today. Things have changed dramatically. One of the reasons I so oppose the current administration is that it bears no resemblance to the administrations that proceeded it, where freedom and rights were paramount. The country that I love is still the same, but the government has become a monster. I served this land in the military, still do in law enforcement and as a firefighter. I love this country. That's why I hate our government. I hope you can understand what I'm saying. As for the men who lower themselves to the level of whale feces to respond to my posts, I expect nothing less and it only lowers my opinion of you.
  3. "I love the man that can smile in trouble, that can gather strength from distress, and grow brave by reflection. 'Tis the business of little minds to shrink; but he whose heart is firm, and whose conscience approves his conduct, will pursue his principles unto death." –Thomas Paine, The Crisis, No. 1, 1776 When a civilization is reaching its end, it is difficult to achieve anything by resisting it and by directly opposing the forces in motion. The current is too strong; one would be overwhelmed. The essential thing is not to let oneself be impressed by the omnipotence and apparent triumph of the forces of the epoch. These forces, devoid of connection with any higher principle, are in fact on a short chain. One should not be fixated on the present and on things at hand, but keep in view the conditions that may come about in the future. Thus the principle to follow could be that of letting the forces and processes of this epoch take their own course, while keeping oneself firm and ready to intervene when 'the tiger, which cannot leap on the person riding it, is tired of running". I bid you all good luck in the future.
  4. For those of you who think I'm talking B.S., I was born in the US to a Hungarian immigrant father and an American mother in 1955. In 1956 my father and grandfather, who were both Hungarian nationals and politically connected in both the US and Hungary, returned to Hungary to revolt against the Russians and their occupation of Hungary. I'm not going to go into a lot of details about their revolutionary connections, but I will tell you both of them died fighting the Russians. They had NO firearms to fight with. Firearms had been BANNED AND CONFISCATED! My unarmed father was killed throwing a Molotov cocktail into a Russian tank in downtown Budapest and my grandfather was cut to pieces by an AK-47 while trying to get the gun out of the hands of a Russian soldier. If you want to learn more about the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, just Google it and read James Michener's novel, "The Bridge at Andau". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Bridge_at_Andau By the time my uncle got to that bridge fleeing the country, the Russians had killed hundreds of people trying to cross it, and then blew it up. He survived by swimming that frigid river at night in the dead of winter. The Hungarian Revolution of 1956 failed because those brave men were promised help from America by the CIA if they started a revolution. The United States let them all die, or get imprisoned, as they waited for help that never came! A similar disaster happened a few years later at the Bay of Pigs in Cuba. My grandmother, aunts and surviving uncles have schooled me in the history of government oppression and resistance. I've also learned what it was like to live without freedom. When this is the topic, I know what I'm talking about. What I see happening in this land is following the same plan the Hungarians experienced in the 1950's. The wimpy complaining and legal wrangling gun owners in America are employing will not work, because that has all been anticipated by the government and measures have been put in place to insure they will fail. Don't insult me with childish comments about militias and fertilizer bombs being employed to fight this crap. That is not what constitutes a intelligent revolt. Hunters and outdoorsman may be apathetic for the most part, but there are many gun owning men in this land who didn't buy their firearms to hunt. They bought them for the specific purpose of defending themselves against a government that turns on it's own people by violating the Constitution. The REAL reason the 2nd Amendment was put into the Bill of Rights in the first place! What we need now is a change to the mindset of patriotic Americans. We need people to wake up and realize what is happening, where it's taking us, and what we need to do about it RIGHT NOW! And that is not armed rebellion....yet! If Americans don't show a major non-compliance attitude right now, the infringement of rights, and I mean ALL rights, will begin to accelerate at an unprecedented rate and eventually all will be lost. I'm not talking about bombs, battles and assassinations here. I'm talking about people convincing everyone they know, on the left or the right, that the change this country is experiencing is not a good change, and the only way it will be reversed is if the majority of Americans refuse to accept it. Anyone who is arrested and prosecuted for a violation of these unjust laws is perceived by the government as a threat to the status quo and the government, not because they are a threat to society or innocent people. Once you have been identified as such a person by the authorities, you are either silenced, or you get off the radar and become an outlaw. What drives you from then on is JUSTICE, in spite of what the Fed says is legal and not legal. This is what made men like Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Lech Wałęsa, Mandela, TuTu, Patrick Henry and all of the founding fathers. They even warned us one day this would all be necessary to continue living in a free land. The government propaganda machine has been working overtime in the last decade to convince most uninformed Americans resistance is a felony that comes with dire consequences. That ought to tell you something about the government in itself. But it should also tell you what is in store for you if you comply. Sadly, I don't see a lot of intelligence in the majority of Americans on this subject, and I wonder if enough of them will ever come to their senses before it's too late. But I can assure you, I know what the future of America will be like if they don't, and I'd rather not be a part of it. You can make your choice.
  5. Yes, by all means vote against anyone who voted for the Safe Act. When in doubt, vote for the Republican on the ticket. Chances are the Democrat is anti-gun, and if they aren't now, they will be soon. But no elected official currently cares if they are voted out of office for their support of the Safe Act. Cuomo's administration will see to it they get a cushy state job if they get voted out, as a reward for supporting the Safe Act in the first place. That's why they had no fear of voting for it originally.
  6. Greybeard, I'd agree with you if gun owners were violating a law that was meant to protect the innocent. But gun rights are RIGHTS! Rights guaranteed by the US Constitution, the highest law of the land. Rights that PROTECT the innocent! Any law passed to violate those rights is an unjust, illegal law, that should not be accepted by any citizen of this land. I'm not married and my children are now full grown, college educated, living in other states and doing fine on their own. I'm very well versed in the corrupt legal and judicial systems of this land and I know how they don't work to convict and incarcerate real criminals. If I'm ever arrested, I will not hire an attorney and I will never spend any time in prison, because I will post bail, get out of jail, and become an outlaw at that point. Let's just say from that point forward it will be Game On! You guys should look up the history of the founding fathers and what they sacrificed to fight for freedom from the British. Most lost everything they had, and many lost their lives. Those are the kind of men this country is currently woefully short on. And that is why we have elected officials who know they can get away with passing these oppressive gun laws. Nobody is willing to risk any of their materialistic, meager possessions, forget their lives, to fight tyranny! If you have a wife and family, you are condemning them to servitude of the state so you can avoid a fight. That's why this society is doomed. I'd rather go out fighting than become a slave. And I'll stand shoulder to shoulder with any other man having the ballz to do the same.
  7. The correct order of things has become a stacked deck. The correct order will have all of the citizens firearms confiscated prior to people revolting, and by then it's too late. The citizens that do not own guns today are not slaves because of those of us who do. "People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf" -George Orwell Go back to having leaders that follow the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights and we know what we will have after the storm.
  8. I don't disagree with what you say Doc, but when all of the legal and political resources are exhausted and we have been trashed, what will you do? Toss in the towel on top of your pile of confiscated guns, or fight whatever way you are left to fight? When they start taking away the guns, it's gonna get ugly. When Patrick Henry said, "Give me liberty, or give me death", he was given death, but he died an honorable death ONCE. Cowards (and sheep) die a thousand deaths over their lifetimes. If we lose this fight in the end, we have nothing left to lose! Then you can either fight, or become a slave.
  9. Get the Mossberg 835 with the standard 28" barrel and screw in chokes. I have one in camo/synthetic and it has taken Ducks, Geese, Turkey and even Deer with buckshot for many years. It can, and will, do it all for you for many years.
  10. But you didn't think it was possible for you to be threatened with a felony conviction until after the law was passed. I remember many people saying that would never happen here. The doubt then, without the pre-emptive fight, is why we have these oppressive laws now. So now you think you need to stand up and fight these unconstitutional laws in court? It took Washington, D.C. 30 years to finally have their handgun law declared unconstitutional. Don't comply and concentrate on teaching the public what JURY NULLIFICATION is. There is no way this law is ever going to be repealed, no matter what NY gun owners do in the field, or in the courts. You have a choice now. Give up your guns or go to jail. I'm prepared to take the latter. Because I will not submit to tyranny, nor do I wish to live under it! If you think that's an empty boast, you have no idea how pissed off a lot of NY gun owners are.
  11. And that is because people have complied with the unconstitutional infringements these laws have put on gun owners. The laws go at it piece by piece, to see how many sheep will comply. They chip away at your rights little by little, as if pulling feathers off a bird one at a time. By the time the bird protests, it no longer has the ability to fly. Declaring I will not comply doesn't mean you think the problem is solved. It states to the government you find the law to be unjust and unconstitutional, and you are willing to defend your rights regardless of their oppressive law. They are getting away with this sheit because too many of us ARE complying! Guess why Prohibition didn't last. People refused to comply!
  12. NJ residents can't get carry permits. They are always denied to average citizens, so I doubt they will issue a carry permit to any out of state resident that isn't a L.E.O.
  13. We'll see. If things keep going the way they are, and they will, he may become a long shot favorite. If the American electorate grows a brain that is.
  14. Here's an example of how hunting is effected when the government gets involved: Traditional Ammunition Ban Bill Is a Bad Idea for California (Op-Ed regarding California's proposed ban on traditional ammunition from National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) senior vice president and general counsel, Larry Keane.) California's Assembly Bill 711 provides the latest crucible in the seemingly endless debate over traditional ammunition. The bill would ban traditional ammunition containing lead components for use in all hunting statewide. Organizations like the Humane Society U.S. claim that this bill is an attempt to protect the wildlife population from ingesting fragments of lead that may be found in traditional ammunition. However there is no sound science to justify these claims of harm, so hunters and sportsmen across the state oppose this far-reaching legislation. Most of the attention with this bill has gone to the California condor, a species that is slowly being repopulated into the wild in its historic range. Unfortunately, news reports of problems with the condor ignore the fact that the use of lead ammunition has already been banned in areas where the condor resides, yet the species still is having health problems. At the same time, a traditional ammunition ban threatens to ban hunting in California simply because alternative ammunition is not widely available. One of the reasons for that scarcity resides in Washington. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) has said that non-lead hunting rifle ammunition may fall under the definition of "armor piercing ammunition," (18 USC 921 (17)((ii)), which is illegal to import, make and sell unless the ATF determines it is exempt because it is "primarily intended to be used for a sporting purpose." For two years now, ATF has not been approving exemptions from the ban, and so if the bill is enacted, sportsmen could face empty shelves of ammunition when hunting season comes along. U.S. Sen. John McCain addressed this issue recently in a letter to the ATF. Meanwhile, a ban on lead ammunition threatens far more than sportsmen. A soon to be released study by the U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service's Rocky Mountain Research Station and National Technology suggests that copper and steel bullets are far more likely to cause wildfires than lead. Perhaps ironically, sales of traditional ammunition actually bolster wildlife conservation efforts. The federal excise tax dollars raised from the purchase by hunters of the very ammunition anti-hunting supporters of AB 711 demonize is a primary source of wildlife conservation funding in the United States. In 2012, California was one of the top five state-level beneficiaries in the nation, receiving about $14.1 million from federal money marked for wildlife restoration. In the past, these monies have gone toward efforts in California to reestablish Tule elk habitat and protect more than 285,000 acres of wildlife. Nationally, the bald eagle's recovery, a truly great conservation success story, was made possible and funded by hunters using traditional ammunition. In fact, recent statistics from the United States Fish and Wildlife Service show that from 1981 to 2006 the number of breeding pairs of bald eagles in the United States increased 724 percent. The bald eagle is no longer listed as an endangered species and raptor populations throughout the United States are soaring. Raptor and other wildlife populations have steadily increased while hunting license sales have increased by 9% during the past 5 years. With no conclusive science to prove that traditional ammunition is adversely impacting wildlife populations, and mindful of the significant contributions that the sale of traditional ammunition makes to wildlife conservation, Californians should join 24 national hunting and sport shooting organizations and oppose AB 711. The bill would open up a Pandora's Box of problems that would threaten the rights of hunters and shooters statewide, not to mention the impact from another law that is always in effect - the law of unintended consequences. Larry Keane is senior vice president and general counsel for the National Shooting Sports Foundation. Follow him on Twitter at @lkeane.
  15. They use a meter to check on it's brightness in NJ. Basically if it ain't new, it's faded and may not pass. I didn't say they wouldn't use these laws for legitimate wildlife protection, I said they would abuse them to further their goals as much as they can get away with. Never seen that happen before? Think it won't happen again, and more often?
  16. There was a similar decision handed down in Washington D.C. in the late 70's. Women were being raped in a house, they secretly dialed 911, the cops knocked on the door, got no answer and left. They were called again, and came back, but just drove by the house. The women sued. They lost. Cops have no duty to protect any individual. In NYC, or anywhere else, you are a victim by choice, if you expect the police protect you. Trouble is, they won't allow you to protect yourself either. Anti-gun idiots don't understand this.
  17. The government is getting involved in wildlife crimes in America and Africa so it can publicize game atrocities to the voting public. All part of a plan to encroach on hunting rights as much as possible and eliminate even more firearms owned by hunters, even though most poaching is done by people without hunting licenses. Pretty soon one little violation of a hunting law (like wearing blaze orange that isn't bright enough) and your right to hunt is taken away for life! So, you don't need those hunting guns anymore either, do you? ( I can already hear the laughter from the clueless, so don't bother saying I'm paranoid. I"M INFORMED!)
  18. There are plenty of local ammo dealers in PA with lots of ammo on their shelves. Prices are the same as Big Box stores in NY though. Gun Shows in PA are a good place to shop also. Lots of surplus ammo available there. Maybe not the fancy stuff you may want, but lots of .22LR, .308, 7.62x39, .30-06, Shotshells and pistol ammo too.
  19. Better to take a weekend trip to PA and buy your ammo there. Stay off Cuomo's lists any chance you can. He's not making those lists without planning on checking them twice to find out if you are naughty or nice.
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