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Everything posted by Mr VJP

  1. Heck, a year ago many people were saying the warnings about this coming to NY were all paranoia and would never happen. That's why it happened!
  2. Ever wonder why we have enough real, in-the-flesh problems to worry about? Where the heck do you think they come from, the crisis fairy? Maybe you guys should all go back and read that article and then ask yourselves why would the most powerful people in the world get together every year, IN SECRET, and talk. Maybe they are just exchanging cooking tips.
  3. It must be comforting to invite ignorance and it's bliss. The tactic of the doubting, "If you can't discuss the topic, attack the messenger".
  4. They count on your outlook. They thrive on your doubts. Sorry to hear you are skeptical. I thought you were more objective.
  5. Dinsdale, Google Bilderberger and you will see this is a real organization, with a real agenda, and real world influence. They don't want publicity or notoriety, they just want power. It's not a joke. http://www.infowars.com/bilderberg-secrecy-exposed-during-parliamentary-debate/
  6. Many of you will say this is BS and is not for real. I say you need to look into it. This is why gun control is such a big issue for the Left. http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-true-story-of-the-bilderberg-group-and-what-they-may-be-planning-now/13808
  7. Try this one full of truth and facts http://www.ijreview.com/2013/07/67526-oreilly-president-obama-the-race-problem/
  8. According to this article, that location is the National HQ for MOA (Muslims of America)
  9. You gotta read this. Remember the women there all collect welfare and food stamps to raise their kids on. That means the taxpayers are supporting these people. http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/islamville-recent-recordings-gunfire-radical-enclave
  10. When seconds count, the police are only minutes away......at best.
  11. Agreed. But I don't not believe that is what most American Patriots have in mind. They are working within the system, but it is agonizingly slow. Meanwhile many good people are being persecuted, they're lives ruined and their finances stolen. How much of this will be tolerated before people realize how bad this government has become? When they finally get so fed up, they call a statewide strike, or a national one, where no one cooperates with government oppression anymore, and out right challenge it's legal authority, how long before the government starts shooting citizens? That will be the day people will have to fight back, or forget they ever enjoyed freedom in this land. It's happened many times around the world throughout history and it can happen here. Regardless of what many people believe. Based upon what I see going on in this country today, I believe the time is closer than people think. There is already massive distrust of government now, which is making the government nervous. That makes it retaliate and crack down on dissent. We are seeing that everyday. We are on a very dangerous path right now. http://econfaculty.gmu.edu/wew/articles/13/DistrustingGovernment.htm
  12. Doc, you seem to think we are doomed to accept the crap the current corrupt government forces down our throats, because the alternative would be worse. I say the founding fathers would have been shooting by now. I have a more optimistic attitude about the "change" we could see in the future if Americans had the guts to say, "Enough is enough!" Don't assume violence is what it takes to put a stop to the current oppression we are experiencing. That's just an excuse for doing nothing and trying to convince others resistance is futile. "n our time, many seem to think 'the Declaration' was penned to proclaim eternal verities about the human condition -- a poetic tribute to 'life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness' -- as if it were a collection of fine words about high-minded ideals. No! It was a rebellion against bad governance, against political arrogance, against oppressive laws, against restriction, constraint, and imposition without representation. We call it 'the Declaration,' but that's not the object. It's the 'Independence,' stupid. The members of the Second Continental Congress did not expect to forfeit their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for stating the obvious about the 'laws of nature and of nature's God.' Their necks ripened for the noose because they altered, abolished, and threw off the yoke of their government. They counted all as loss to obtain freedom; to be absolved of allegiance to their government, to dissolve all political connections between themselves and the state which they had always referred to as their own. 'The Declaration' offers exhaustive reasons for committing open treason, nonetheless, treason it was. Independence Day then is not a celebration of government, but a regular reminder ... of the necessity to reject corrupt, abusive government." --PJMedia's Scott Ott
  13. Doc, when freedom is eliminated in America, what do men have to lose? There is nothing more dangerous then a man with nothing to lose. Cuomo is plucking our freedoms from us little by little. Like taking feathers off a bird slowly. At first it doesn't notice it. Then one day it realizes it can no longer fly, but by then it is too late. A civil revolt can very easily begin if enough people understand what is happening and decide to stand up and demand it stop. I'm not talking about a shooting revolt.....yet. That would start after the government decided to suppress a revolt with violence or unlawful incarceration. This has happened many times in the past around the world. Concord, Mass was an example in the US colonies. It could happen very quickly too. And with the way Leftists like Cuomo and Obama are trampling American Constitutional Rights, it may happen sooner than most people think. A little foresight may save a lot of people in this country. Those that are sleeping will be the first to go. The government is counting on you laughing at folks who try to open your eyes.
  14. Most of the main stream media in this country is owned and run by rich Leftist Progressives who see Obama as the man who will wield all of America's power to destroy anything they do not agree with. That is why they will never have anything bad to say about him and will always unjustly attack a conservative administration. Progressives want a Police State now, because they believe it is on their side. They're too stupid to realize it will one day turn on them as well.
  15. It's a FREE Country? We're free to do whatever they let us do.
  16. Doc, do you think Bloomberg is a stupid man? He made millions by being smart. He wants power and control now. Cuomo wants the same thing. They don't lack logic or reasoning skills by any stretch of the imagination. They know precisely what they are doing. They are just lying to the masses to misdirect their attention from the real motives behind gun control and gun confiscation. Ask yourself this. How many crimes are committed with the black guns Cuomo banned? Why was he able to get the law passed if most citizens didn't ask for it, or even want it? The truth is, they want to control the people and remain in power. That's what all gun control is about.
  17. And when crime rates begin to rise, they'll say they need to ban more guns to prevent that. It's a vicious cycle that will wind up banning all guns and getting a lot of innocent people killed. Is the government that stupid? No. They aren't taking guns to lower crime rates or protect the innocent. They're taking them to prevent the people from winning a revolt that is surely coming after the state goes bankrupt!
  18. I suspect a lot of cases will come from a wife ratting out the husband she has decided to divorce. This will get her a huge upper hand in the divorce proceedings and she will get everything else he owns. Fine line between love and hate as they say. Many other similar situations will present themselves and black gun owners will become the same as drug possessors. The government has decided to declare all homeland defense rifle owners enemies of the state and that gives them the right to violate all of your rights when they stumble upon you. The intimidation factor will be enough to force many gun owners out of the state, or underground, and their homeland defense rifles will never see the light of day again. That is, until they die and their grandchildren turn their rifles in. Welcome to the future my friends. This was inevitable from the first day we allowed the government to violate the 2nd Amendment even slightly. It always angered me when gun owners showed an apathetic attitude about infringements on the 2nd Amendment that didn't affect them. now that they are being affected, they are upset. Welcome to the club guys. If you had fought for the other guy years ago, you wouldn't be in this crap now.
  19. You must realize, the Fed and state governments collect BILLONS in tax dollars every year from smokers and big tobacco companies. If the government stopped all smoking in the US tomorrow, the country would go bankrupt overnight. Do you really believe the government wants all smokers to quit? I don't think so. Are they using smokers to fill tax coffers? I think so. Is the government their friend? No.
  20. IMHO, that store has the right name to describe it perfectly. For Sporting Goods, I prefer to go to a small, but professional and knowledgeable, retail shop.
  21. No offense was meant, or directed at you for your post my friend. But.... "Some right wing conservative gun toting meth cook in Nebraska is more intelligent than a liberal with a Harvard law degree?" Do you know what Harvard teaches to Law Students? Do you think your statement would offend the right wing? Conservatives? Gun owners? Nebraskans? Or all of them? Being able to identify stupidity, and challenge it intelligently, proves you're more intelligent than someone who thinks they are entitled to profess a fact barren point of view without consequences. The law will protect these pc fools from the wrath of those who know they are a danger to society, and the pc folks know it! What this country needs is more honesty, and frank discussions about the dangers of political correctness and expansive government. In spite of the Progressive mantra that everything has a gray area, some things are easily labeled as right or wrong, and black and white. It's only political propaganda that tries to make something into a gray area. The right to self defense is NOT a gray area, but laws are in effect to make it seem like it is. Those who think the message is rejected because it is too harsh are incorrect. The message is rejected because the audience has been indoctrinated with lies and is too lazy to seek the truth and gather the facts for themselves. To reject an idea because a person refuses to seek the facts for themselves is stupidity, by definition. To adopt any position that facts prove is wrong, is a danger to the safety of all the rest of society. If you doubt this, study the rise of the Nazi's in the 30's. They lied, rose to power, and proved to be a danger to the entire world. History repeats itself because stupid people don't know history.
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